“My dad is secretly dating our married neighbor, leaves my mum in the village to suffer” – Lady cries out

Daughter uncovers father's affair with married side chick, struggles with next steps

Daughter uncovers father's affair with married side chick, struggles with next steps

A young lady has sought advice on how to navigate the distressing situation of her father cheating, and she’s concerned about the potential repercussions on her family’s well-being.

The lady, who prefers to remain anonymous, detailed her family’s ordeal in a candid post that has resonated with many online.

According to the post, the lady’s father works away from home and rents an apartment closer to his workplace, visiting his family in the village only on weekends.

However, what initially seemed like a routine work arrangement took a dark turn when the young lady discovered her father’s extramarital affair after receiving his smartphone.

Disturbingly, the affair is with none other than their neighbor, a woman who is also married and has three children.

The lady’s account paints a distressing picture of her father’s involvement with the neighbor, revealing that he has been lavishing considerable financial resources on her and her children.

In her words;

“My dad is working away from home. He rented an apartment and comes home during the weekends. The rest of the family we live in the village. After i finished my seco dary school, my dada gave me his smartphone since he had another. I came to discover that he has a sidechick and the worst thing is that they often have s. x and he spends too much money on her and her three children. Even my own mother and we as siblings he has never spent such amount of money. This woman is also married and they are not separated with her husband. My mother visits my dad at times and knows this woman as a neighbour and they are good friends since she also rented there. Her room and my dad’s room are opposite.My father has her photos and videos in his phone.

I have this woman’s number in my phone , her photos and those of her chdren, their videos and i also have screenshots of their conversations and money transaction in which my dada sends to her. I dont know what to do as what i want is to stop this relationship at once.we ares ffering in the village in the name that he has no money. He got married to my mother in the church although my mother was a muslim she transformed to a Christian due to the love she had to my father. My mom has been loyal to him all these years. She has been open to me as her first daughter when a man approaches her she refuses and if any man demands her number she usually gives him my dad’s number.

I have not told her about the affair my father is having with this woman because i know she will be hurt and it could lead to her health deteriorating since she is asthmatic. What do i do to save this marriage and mostly my mother as she is everything to us. Kindly i need your advice am confused Please.”

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