Why stealing from Pastor Adeboye is a bad idea – EFCC Boss on RCCG’s account found in his possession (VIDEO)

In a world on the precipice of moral collapse, where integrity is scarcer than gold, EFCC Chairman Ola Olukoyede stands as an unwavering sentinel of righteousness. Olukoyede’s speech was a passionate plea for moral rectitude, a call to all leaders to uphold the highest standards of integrity and accountability. His RCCG and Adeboye's curse story he explained, was not a mere threat but a profound spiritual admonition that would bring dire consequences to anyone foolish enough to misappropriate these sacred funds, and to Public office holders, it serves as a powerful reminder of the inevitable reckoning that awaits those who betray the public trust.

Ola Olukoyede, the current Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), recently shared a riveting tale about the time he found himself under the microscope of the very organization he now leads.

During a gripping speech at a Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) leadership conference in Lagos on Friday, Olukoyede emphasized the paramount importance of integrity and transparency for anyone holding religious or public office, warning that a day of reckoning will inevitably expose those who lack these virtues.

To illustrate his point, he recounted the downfall of a former minister of power, who was dramatically nabbed by the EFCC and charged with embezzling billions of naira while in office.

With a blend of humility and defiance, Olukoyede recounted his own brush with scrutiny. As he spoke, the audience hung on his every word, captivated by the drama of his story.

He recalled how, in a bid to tarnish his reputation, powerful adversaries went to great lengths to dig up dirt from his past. They scoured his records, desperate to uncover any hint of corruption or embezzlement. He said, to their dismay, they found nothing but a spotless history.

In a twist worthy of a thriller, Olukoyede revealed that the investigators stumbled upon an account loaded with an astonishing amount of cash. Convinced they had finally caught him, he said they were poised to pounce.

But to their utter shock and disbelief, the account did not belong to Olukoyede. Instead, it was an account for Pastor Adeboye’s RCCG, a discovery that, he claimed left them reeling.

Olukoyede described how he immediately warned the investigators against even thinking about embezzling Pastor Adeboye’s money.

With a voice full of conviction, he painted a vivid picture of the dire consequences that would follow. He told them that Pastor Adeboye, revered and feared in equal measure, would unleash a curse so potent that it would haunt them for the rest of their lives.


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