A Nigerian corper narrowly escape a dangerous fall during a passing out parade (POP) photoshoot. The corper inadvertently stumbles upon a concealed ditch while trying to take commemorative photos. In...
A man surprises his wife, a street food seller, with an elaborate birthday celebration while she's working. The surprise includes a saxophonist and a group of friends and family who...
A young girl was given one minute to grab anything she desired for free at a popular mall. Spectators cheered as they counted down while the girl darted through the...
lady shares heartbreaking video about losing her younger brother despite using her life savings to save him. Tragic event took place on August 31, 2023. The emotional video shows the...
A surprise marriage proposal during a graduation ceremony took an unexpected turn when the man's girlfriend rejected his romantic gesture. The man arrived with gifts and proposed publicly, gifting a...
An angry woman's dramatic protest against her husband's refusal to buy her a wig has gone viral online. The heated confrontation took place in their bedroom, with the wife soaking...
A viral video showing two female friends sharing romantic moments with a man in bed has sparked a heated online debate. The video features the two young women kissing and...
A Nigerian lady reveals onX (Twitter) that she was named after the woman who broke her father's heart during a financially challenging period. The revelation came during a Twitter discussion...
Young girl with X (Twitter) handle @_Hydonni takes her semi nude photo in restaurant toilet. Many Netizens have reacted to her semi nude photos in the restaurant toilet. A young...
A young Nigerian lady Janet completes a 30-day dry fasting journey, extending it by an extra week based on alleged divine instruction. Videos of her emaciated appearance during the fast...
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