A man who claims to be Rema's uncle, residing deep in the village, has come forward to speak on his...
As the dawn of a new football season beckons, the fate of Victor Osimhen hangs in the balance, with Europe's...
In the thick of the storm swirling around Prophet Jeremiah Omoto Fufeyin and his miracle products, a Nigerian woman has...
In a staggering and electrifying twist, a man has emerged from the abyss, claiming the notorious identity of Shina Rambo—the...
Gossip blogger Stella Dimoko Korkus has alleged that Bobrisky will be released on August 5, 2024. She divulged that despite...
U.S. based model Symba has publicly accused Nigerian music star Burna Boy of unpaid debts and threatened to disclose a...
A Nigerian lady who has been bragging non-stop about supposedly being one of the fortunate housemates chosen for BBNaija Season...
IG Gossip blogger, Cutie Julls speaks on a romantic affair between former governor Rotimi Amaechi and media mogul Mo Abudu. ...
Gossip blogger Cutie Julls has alleged that Nigerian Senator Godswill Akpabio had romantic relationships with media mogul Mo Abudu and...
A 19-year-old lady has showcased her outstanding academic prowess by graduating from Adeleke University with top honors, securing a coveted...
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