A Ghanaian international student is left stranded in Canada after her friend, who promised accommodation upon arrival, fails to pick...
Viral video shows a young man in a Mercedes Benz boldly asking for a lady's mobile number in traffic. Lady...
A young lady receives a brand new Mercedes Benz from her devoted lover. The lady's emotional response to the Mercedes...
Nigerian lady, online vendor @evacollectibles faces a customer attempting a fake bank alert scam during a business transaction. Rather than...
A viral video captured a man washing his girlfriend's panties. The lady who filmed her man doing her laundry proudly...
Unidentified lady claims that Nigerian singer Mohbad fathered her child shortly before his death. The lady alleges that Mohbad kept...
Man shares his remarkable journey from humble beginnings to becoming a bank manager. According to the man, his wife worked...
A man has taken to social media to express his frustration about repeatedly being mistaken for the controversial socialite, Sam...
A Naira Marley lookalike on TikTok faces online harassment and account reporting by Nigerians due to his striking resemblance to...
A young man creatively uses his home TV to chat with his girlfriend on WhatsApp after his phone is confiscated...
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