Man searches for mother who disappeared few months after his birth in 1975

A Nigerian man, identified Tolu Babatunde, has embarked on the search for his mother who disappeared shortly after his birth.

Tolu, who sent a mail to LIB seeking the public’s help to find his mother, said his mother, Kuburat Shola gave birth to him in 1975 and few months after she disappeared only to reappear briefly in 1998.

Read the mail below:

In search of my Mother (A cry for help to locate her).

I am in search of my mother and I have truly little details to trace her. Her name is Kuburat Shola (unfortunately, I do not have her maiden name). I do not know any of her siblings or family either.

She gave birth to me in 1975 and a few months after she disappeared only to reappear in 1998, briefly, as I only saw her on two occasions. On those occasions I tried to get more details from her, she promised to be back but never did. Although she mentioned she had other children after me (I happen to be her first).

Please if anyone has information on her whereabouts as well as her other children (my siblings from her) please can you share by contacting me on +2347053937249.

N.B The first picture was taken in 1975 and I have used Faceapp to simulate the second picture to have an idea of her possible look today.


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