Oyo college bans dreadlocks, indecent dressing, sets up task force to sanction erring students

To address the rising prevalence of indecent dressing among its students, Oyo State College of Agriculture and Technology, Igboora, has formed a task force committee to guarantee that students dress appropriately.

Wasiu Raheem, the institution’s Dean of Students’ Affairs, made the announcement on Tuesday.

WITHIN NIGERIA reports that the institution is owned by the Oyo State Government.

While speaking, the Dean of Students’ Affairs noted that the committee was formed to guarantee that students follow the institution’s dress code.

He urged the institution’s pupils to strictly adhere to the norms and regulations.

Raheem went on to say that the committee is tasked to supervise pupils at the college.

He also stated that the committee will suggest suitable penalties for pupils who make mistakes.

While speaking, the task force’s head, Olubunmi Adeosun, stated that the committee had been travelling throughout the institution’s lecture rooms to identify pupils who did not adhere to the dress code.

She enjoined students to check students’ handbooks to know what constitutes immoral behaviour in the institution.

“The ten-man committee had earlier held a stakeholder meeting at the boardroom of the college where what constitutes immoral behaviour were extensively discussed,” she said.

Adeosun, maintained that erring students would be sanctioned.

She pointed out that the institution will no longer allow students with dreadlocks and other forms of indecent dresses.

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