Rotimi Makinde to Ife people: Use your votes to return me to National Assembly

Nollywood artiste and chieftain of All Progressives Congress, Rotimi Makinde has asked the people of Ife federal constituency to vote for him again in the forthcoming 2023 general election as a representative at the National Assembly.

The former federal legislator vowed that any vote for him would be a vote for positive and fruitful change for their well-being.

This was made known by the ex-federal lawmaker who represented Ife Federal Constituency in 2015 while addressing journalists in Ile-Ife.

Makinde also called on the good people of the state to assist him in projecting to the world that Ife Federal Constituency can still be made better in terms of good representation at the National Assembly.

According to him, seeing Ife develop, prosper and become the pride of Africa and the Black race will undoubtedly be his sincere joy and that has always been his wish.

He said, “Without sounding immodest, as I move around Ife interacting with regular Nigerians, I listen to their concerns about unfulfilled expectations, frustrations, cluelessness and sometimes disillusionment by the current representation they have at the hallowed chamber. Yet, I still see the excitement, determination and hope on their faces as they crave for better alternative to what they currently have.

“In spite of the many challenges they face, it is quite remarkable that my people have refused to give up, hence they have made a clarion call to me to be their representative at the hallowed chamber in the coming 10th Assembly. It is inspiring that amidst difficulties and growing anxiety over the future of my constituents, my people have refused to succumb to despair and hopelessness.

“This never-say-die attitude gives me immense hope and it is one of the reasons why I can never give up on my people neither will I disappoint them or ignore to me to serve them at the House of Representatives come 2023.

“I have traveled this route before in the 7th Assembly, between 2011 to 2015, it is a familiar terrain for me. As I am coming back to the office again I make bold to say that I will bring our tendencies together and unite my constituents and as well bring governance even closer to the people and to mentor the next generation.

“I will also extend my commitment to galvanising my constituents irrespective of tribe, religious background or political persuasion. There is so much work to be done by way of legislation in many areas of our life including but not limited to education, health, power, infrastructure and alleviation of poverty, socio-economic empowerment among others.

“Historically the House of Representatives was established to be the people’s House and for the people’s business. It follows therefore that Honourable Member must be the people’s voice elected to do the people’s business and champion their cause and in doing so, fulfilling their hopes and aspiration. This is the kind of Federal parliamentarian I intend and hope to be for the second time after the attempt was aborted in 2015.

“I have the requisite experience matched with wealth of knowledge to offer quality representation to my people and to facilitate Federal presence to my consistency with the primary aim of making life more abundant for my people socio-economically. It is also my resolve to unleash the full potentials of my ability to uphold the policy thrust law making. I have taken copious mental and physical notes and its time for implementation in the interest of Ife Federal Constituency.

“However, while I was in the House between 2011 to 2015 the government at the Centre was PDP, my successor also suffers similar situation because the Centre is controlled by the APC. Sadly, situation like this doesn’t make Federal presence to be drawn to the constituency at a desirous pace due to sheer political differences.

“Therefore, I appeal to my people to ensure that we have APC holding sway at the Ward Level, Local Govt Level, State Assembly Level, Federal Legislative Level, and at the Centre, a political scenario like this will significantly help to fast track and deepen development across board in the over all interest of the people without any encumbrance.

“As APC family our unity is our strength, and our diversity is our power. Let us continue to work in synergy so that our party will only not remain relevant but to also record more feats and milestones politically.”

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