My five sons want to kill me, 64-year-old man raises alarm

One Abdullahi Hassan has cried out for help over assassination threats from his own sons because of his properties.

Hassan, a 64-year-old Bauchi trader, disclosed that his sons are acting at the behest of their mother who’s now his ex-wife.

Hassan, a resident of the Kandahar area of Bauchi metropolis, who sells building materials at the Railway market in the Bauchi State capital, revealed his travails to journalists.

He disclosed that his problems with his children from his first wife started after he parted ways with their mother six years ago.

According to him, he had to divorced their mother as the union was acrimonious and warlike, adding that he opted out of the marriage to have his peace, unknown to him that it would lead to his own children wanting to send him to early grave.

He disclosed that he was catering for all his children, adding that he always ensured that their needs were catered for, while he instilled best characters in them.

He further stated that he made sure that the children, who are now a torn in his flesh, were educated, especially in Islamic education, memorising the Glorious Qur’an and learning Islamic Jurisprudence.

“I made sure I raised my children in the best mold of character humanly possible and catered for their necessities of survival out of what I earned from my business.

“However, I was made to understand that it is their mother who is instigating the children against me so if they eventually kill me, they could have my wealth as a benefit,” Hassan alleged.

Hassan said he empowered the troublesome children who were now threatening to kill him.

According to him, he did not just stop at that as he, in line with the culture and traditions of Hausa people, ensured the first child got married and settled down with his own family.

Despite this, when the trouble of the children became unbearable for him, he disowned the eldest of them, adding that this did not deter them from executing their evil plans against him, while some of them had even started stealing.

“I saw their stepmother’s phone with one of them after she complained that her phone was stolen. As I was trying to investigate the boy, I found the phone on him.

“I raised the matter at several fora with a view to finding a lasting solution to the problem, but nothing has changed

“I initially tried to make the two elderly ones to get married. I provided one of them with a shop which he mismanaged, while the other one forced me to pay the debt he collected.

“I sent him to a correctional home in Daura where I spent more than N200,000 on him. Yet that did not work. He is presently at Dengi in Plateau State and I gathered that he is stealing there,” the embattled father said.

As a result of the battle he has been having with these five children, Hassan said he was now hypertensive.

He, however, sought help from the government and people to save him from untimely death by reining in his sons so that they would not kill him in order for “me to fully fulfil my destiny in life”.

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