NAF trains 7,000 special forces to fight Boko Haram, bandits, others

Nigeria Air Force

Nigerian Air Force (NAF) says 7,000 regiments and Special Forces have been trained to address the deepening security crisis in the country.

The Chief of Air Staff, Air Marshal Oladayo Amao, made the disclosure at the graduation ceremony of the 112 special Forces of Course 10/2022 on Friday in Bauchi.

He stated the NAF has reiterated its commitment by boosting the strength of regiments and special operations forces personnel through “purposeful training and human capacity development”.

“The 7,000 so far trained are made up of 5,000 Regiments and 2,000 Special Operation Forces personnel, both at home and abroad,” Mr Amao said.

He said that NAF had grown to be a formidable force with enhanced professionalism due to regular training, acquisition of new platforms and reactivation of grounded fleets.

Amao, represented by Air Vice Marshal Auwal Bello, Chief of Training and Operations, NAF headquarters, said the Air Force had made conscious efforts to build its own internal capacity and resilience for force protection, by boosting the strength of our Regiment and Special Operations Forces personnel through “purposeful training and human capacity development’’.

He urged the graduating special forces to be courageous and take the battle to all the adversaries of the country, “be they terrorists, insurgents or any other criminal elements, in synergy with our sister services and other security agencies.

“I, therefore, urge you to effectively utilise the knowledge and experience gained during the Course whenever and wherever duty calls.

“This will require you to exhibit courage, commitment and loyalty in the discharge of your duties.

“I also enjoin you all to redouble your efforts and engage the security challenges with rugged optimism and renewed determination,” Mr Amao said.

The chief of staff also urged the graduating officers to remain professional in the discharge of their constitutional duty of ensuring the security of beloved good people and the country.

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