FIFA President Says Europeans Should Apologize For ‘3000 Years’

FIFA President

Gianni Infantino, FIFA President, responds to criticism of Qatar by claiming that European nations should be sorry for the next 3,000 years.

Instead of criticizing Qatar for hosting the World Cup, FIFA President Sepp Blatter believes European countries should apologize for their own past.

During a press conference to mark the start of the competition, Gianni Infantino stated that critics were in no position to condemn the country.

Remember that Qatar has been chastised for its treatment of migrant workers and its attitude toward homosexual rights.

However, the President has defended the host nation, saying:

For what we Europeans have been doing around the world in the last 3,000 years we should be apologising for the next 3,000 years before starting to give moral lessons to people.

How many of these European or Western business companies who earn millions from Qatar, billions, how many of them have addressed migrant workers’ rights with the authorities?

None of them, because if you change the legislation it means less profit. But we did, and FIFA generates much less than any of these companies from Qatar.

The Qatar 2022 World Cup opening ceremony will take place tomorrow, November 20, 2022.

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