Saraki Threatens To Sue Kwara Gov Over Statement Alleging UBEC funds Were Stolen


Bukola Saraki

Dr Abubakar Bukola Saraki, the former Senate President has called the allegations made by the governor of Kwara State, Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq, that he misappropriated the Universal Basic Education Fund and used his position to stop the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) from looking into the matter, an outright lie.

This is contained in a press statement obtained by Within Nigeria in Ilorin on Monday by his Press Officer on Local Matters, Abdulganiyu Abdulqadir.

It reads, “I have ignored all his lies all this while as I believe he was resorting to that cheap escape measure to mask his failure in governance.

“Now, I will have to take strong measures by challenging him in court since he will not desist from fabricating lies against me.

“I have told my lawyers to write him to retract the statement or be ready to prove it in court”, Saraki stated.

Apparently speaking during the launch of the campaign council for Mallam Saliu Mustapha, the APC senatorial candidate for Kwara Central, Abdulrahman purportedly made the assertion on Sunday.

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