Nigeria Security Agencies are the unknown gunmen terrorizing Igboland – IPOB


Faced with countless allegations of terror and killings in the south East geopolitical zone, the Indeginous People of Biafra, IPOB has fired back to the Federal government, saying its security agencies are responsible for those security problems in the zone.

In a press release today by the group’s Media and Publicity Secretary Comrade Emma Powerful IPOB stated that all the killings in Igbo land are being masterminded by the Nigeria security agencies.

“We the global family and movement of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB)  under the leadership and command of Mazi Nnamdi Okwuchukwu KANU condemn the massacring of Biafra citizens by Nigeria Government’s compromised Security Agencies while  deceiving the public that the killers are unknown gunmen and IPOB.

“Nigeria Government and its compromised Security Agencies has made this year’s Christmas season a season of human harvest, of killings, and displacement of peaceful Igbo communities.

“Nigeria Security Agencies target Igbo youths who returned home for Christmas for massacre just to portray Igbo land as unsafe.

“All the killings of Ndigbo and displacement of communities  were done by Nigeria Security Agencies and Government sponsored Ebubeagu, who later blame it on unknown gunmen and ESN operatives. Nigeria is killing Biafrans.

“Some of these Fulanized Security Agencies recently went to a bar in Anambra village and murdered without mercy about 50 youths who were celebrating New Year in their community and later claimed it was unknown gunmen.

“This is to tell you that the Fulani terrorists in Nigeria Army uniforms are responsible for  all the killings in every community in Biafraland. Nigeria Security Agencies are the Unknown gunmen terrorizing Igbo land.

“We knew the Fulani terrorist government of Nigeria is conducting ethnic cleansing, an agenda they have had against Ndigbo for a long time, but their evil agenda will always fail.

“As it failed between 1967-1970, so shall it fail again and again because we are here to defend our land and our existence.

“There is no longer insecurity in the South Eastern Region, but Fulani dominated Security in Nigeria is carrying out ethnic cleansing agenda against Ndigbo.

“The Nigeria Government and its Security think they can eradicate Ndigbo in the space we occupy today, not knowing that God Almighty Chukwu Okike Abiama would not allow them to succeed

“Nigerian soldiers are doing banditry in the East, claiming to be unknown gunmen.  A few days ago, Nigeria Army moved into Okigwe villages and murdered some persons and forced people to desert their communities this festive season.

Explaining further, IPOB said that “the world has kept quiet and allowed these terrorists to make life hail for our people. The same hypocrites who are silent now should not blame us when we start responding in the same way to the terrorist security agencies.

“We have waited for these marauding soldiers to be called to order, and we may not continue to watch while innocent blood of our people is being wasted daily.

“We are calling  the attention of International Community, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch Organisations, American Government, Russia Government, Germany Government, UK Government, United Nations Human Rights Organisations, Israeli Government, Canadian Government, French Government and all the Diplomatic Missions in Abuja to the ethnic cleansing agenda happening in Biafra Land particularly in Igbo Land.”


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