2023: Fraudsters Using My Name, Picture On Social Media – Babangida Raises Alarm


Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, a former military president, has expressed concern about using his name and image on social media to defraud Nigerians.

Salman Yusuf, the former leader’s spokesman, said in a statement on Friday in Minna, the state capital, that Babangida does not have any social media accounts.

Yusuf warned Nigerians to be wary of internet fraudsters who use his principal’s name and image to send out false signals in the name of politics.

He emphasized that the former Nigerian leader would only express his views on national issues through official channels.

Yusuf added that Babangida’s faith in Nigeria is unwavering, and he believes that the country will overcome its current national challenges as a whole.

The statement reads:

Our attention has been drawn to a plethora of fake social media accounts, especially Facebook, bearing General Babangida’s name and photos. We wish to state that IBB has never owned nor operated any social media account, and he does not intend to operate any now or in the near future.

The surfeit of Facebook accounts bearing his photos and names are fake. The fake accounts are the creation of identity thieves and cyber fraudsters, local and international, who steal the identity of prominent people to defraud, misinform and commit heinous crimes against Nigerians and foreigners alike. General Babangida does not comment on national issues on social media.

That is absolutely unnecessary because there are official channels available to him to communicate his stand on any national issue to the authorities. Besides, he has unfettered access to several credible mainstream media that he can talk to any time he feels strongly about any matter.

We implore the general public, indeed, all Nigerians, to please ignore the warped imaginations and antics of cyber criminals who do not mean well for our great country.

Babangida’s faith in Nigeria is unshakeable, and he is optimistic that as a people, we shall overcome our current national challenges if we do not grow weary and if we resolve to get our leadership question right.

We urge Nigerians to get involved in the democratic process, conduct themselves peacefully, and exercise their constitutional rights by voting for candidates of their choice in the coming general elections.

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