So-Safe arrests man with arms in Ogun

The Ogun State So-Safe Corps nabbed a gun-wielding criminal at a naming ceremony in the state’s Obafemi-Owode Local Government Area.

The suspect was detained on Friday, May 19, according to a statement from the State Commander of the So-Safe Corps, Soji Ganzallo, via the office of the Director of Information and Public Relations, Moruf Yusuf.

Ganzallo claimed that inhabitants of Ilukosi Olorunda, Iro had called the So-Safe Corps Area Command to urge the arrest of a suspect they believed to be preparing to commit a crime.

Ganzallo noted that the operatives of the Corps were charged to go after one Mr Segun Oke (alias Bouncing), “who has been threatening the peace of the Ilokusi community and its environ.”

He said that the suspect fled when he sighted the So-Safe team.

“He went straight to a bush to hide the double-mouthed locally made pistol, including live and used ammunition in his possession,” Ganzallo explained.

He added that the suspect was captured and the arms and ammunition were recovered from where they were hidden.

The So-Safe boss stated that the suspect and the locally-made pistol, two live and one used cartridges found with him have been handed over to the police in Iro Police Post for onward transfer to Owode-Egba Divisional Headquarters, for further investigation and likely prosecution.

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