Lagos: Father arrested for planning to use son for money ritual

Three other persons involved also arrested

Police authorities

50-year-old Beninoir father, Pome Banda, has been apprehended for planning to use his son for money ritual, the police in Lagos have said.

He was arrested alongside three others.

The Assistant Inspector-General of Police (AIG), Ari Mohammed, made the disclosure to journalists in Lagos.

According to NAN, they allegedly lured the nine-year-old boy from the Benin Republic for the sinister motive.

Mohammed said in the process of their plans, Zone 2 Criminal Investigation Department got information about them, and the police acted as the herbalist who wanted to help them to use the boy for a money ritual.

He said the operatives started discussing with the boy’s father, his brother living in Nigeria, one Benjamin Balobi, and two Nigerians – Segun Shile and Ige Koshelu.

The AIG said Mr Banda left Ajah Jakatome, his hometown in the Benin Republic and came to Nigeria on May 30, 2023, with his son after telling him they were coming to secure a housemaid job for him.

He said the boy was given to a man identified as Baba Shina, now at large, as his house help.

Mohammed said after the boy lived with Baba Shina for a month, he was then taken back to Cotonou, and N35,000 was given to his father in his presence as salary to confuse the boy.

He said that between June 17 and 23, Mr Banda, after making final arrangements with other suspects, brought the boy from Benin Republic again to Nigeria for money-making ritual purposes.

The AIG said the four suspects involved were arrested at Sango Ota in Ogun, the presumed native doctor’s place, stressing that all suspects have confessed to the crime.

He said they would be charged to court soon upon completing the investigation.

During interrogation, the boy’s father, who spoke through an interpreter at the Zone 2 Police Command Headquarters, Onikan Lagos, said he wanted to use his fifth child for ritual because he was poor.

He said he called his brother living in Nigeria, Mr Balobi, to make contact for a house help job and also assist in the money ritual.

Banda said his brother was able to secure one Baba Shina as his house help master.

He said he was connected to a Nigerian, Ige Koshelu and discussed with him what he wanted his son to do.

He said he met Mr Koshelu in the Ilaro area of Ogun, who then contacted Mr Shile, who allegedly made arrangements for a herbalist in the Owode Yewa area in Ogun.

Banda said Shile became the middleman and coordinator between Mr Ige, himself and the suspected herbalist, who they never knew was a policeman.

On the part of Balobi, the boy’s father called him to know what he was doing in Nigeria and wanted him to help get a place where his son would work as a house boy.

Balobi said he told Banda that the job he saw paid N5,000 salary monthly.

“It was later he opened up to me that he wanted to use his son for a money ritual; that is when I connected him with one Baba Shina, who is on the run now. The boy was taken to Baba Shina’s house,” he said.

Koshelu said when Mr Banda brought his son from the Benin Republic, it was Baba Shina ( the boy’s master) that called to inform him that he wanted to use his son for a money ritual.

Koshelu said he told Mr Banda that he did not know anything about ritual but promised to help them to ask another friend who may help them to get a herbalist.

“It was a friend of mine whom I contacted that promised to get someone for them in the Oja Odan area of Ogun, who finally helped them.

“It was that my friend who later took us to the herbalist’s house at Owode Yewa, and from Owode Yewa, we moved again to Sango to meet the herbalist. Unfortunately, we were arrested at the scene where the policemen were already waiting,” he said

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