24 die as boat capsizes in Niger state

No fewer than 24 persons have lost their lives after a boat capsized in Niger state on Sunday.

Unspecified number of persons are also said to be missing in the mishap that happened in Mokwa Local Government Area of the middle belt State.

The council chairman, Jibrim Muregi, confirmed the accident, adding that the actual number of travellers cannot be ascertained at the moment.

Muregi also disclosed that 24 bodies of the passengers who hailed from various communities of Gbajibo, Ekwa and Yankeiade.

He added that presently a rescue team is on ground to rescue and recover bodies.

In a related development, at least eight persons have lost their lives in Adamawa state after a boat capsized, government officials in the north east state disclosed on Saturday.

Seven other persons are also missing from the mishap which happened in Njuwa Lake at Rugange, a village in Yola South Local Government Area of the state.

The boat was carrying 15 passengers when it capsized early on Friday, with the government confirming eight dead as search operations continued.

The Executive Secretary of Adamawa State Emergency Management Agency, ADSEMA, Mohamed Suleiman, disclosed this on Saturday

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