Delta pastor hacks teenage girl to death

One Pastor Alex Itedjere has allegedly murdered a young girl in Agbarha-Otor community, Ughelli North Local Government Area of Delta State.

The pastor was said to have killed the deceased in his residence as the remains of the victim were found in the pastor’s house.

Though details and circumstances surrounding her death are still hazy and the motive behind the pastor’s action is unknown, it’s gathered that the cleric butchered the young girl with a machete.

At the moment, iratesl and blood-baying youths in the community have come out to avenge the death of the young girl.

They were on the verge of lynching the cleric but for the timely interventtion of the police.

A human right activist, Comrade Israel Joe is demanding justice for the young girl, according to Daily Trust.

He called on the Delta State Commissioner of Police, CP Wale Abass to immediately investigate and prosecute the suspect in line with the laws of the land.

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