Bail condition: We’ll no longer demand professional certificates of sureties – EFCC

This was made known in a statement issued by EFCC’s head of Media and Publicity, Dele Oyewale, on Wednesday

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has unveiled its intentions to revamp its arrest and bail procedures to align with the rule of law and international best practices regarding the treatment of suspects.

As part of this revision, one significant change will be the removal of the requirement for professional certificates from sureties as a condition for granting bail to suspects.

A statement issued by EFCC’s head of Media and Publicity, Dele Oyewale, on Wednesday, reads in parts: “Operatives of the Commission are not allowed to demand professional certificates of sureties as a bail condition. Also, every demand for international passports of suspects would henceforth be exercised with discretion, depending on the nature of the case, personality, and country of residence of the suspect.”

The statement further noted that the Director of Legal and Prosecution Department of the agency ascertained that “bail conditions served on suspects must be reasonable and practicable to be fulfilled by suspects and their sureties.”

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