160 Nigerian youths receive $1.2million grants

This was announced by Jamila Ibrahim, the Minister of Youth Development, during the unveiling of the grant's beneficiaries in Abuja

About 160 Nigerian youths have been awarded a $1.2 million grant from the Nigeria Youth Futures Fund (NYFF) for diverse projects across the country, as announced by Jamila Ibrahim, the Minister of Youth Development, during the unveiling of the grant’s beneficiaries in Abuja.

The minister highlighted that this funding marked a significant increase from the previous year’s disbursement of $600,000 to 130 recipients, underscoring the growing dedication of stakeholders towards empowering the youth.

Ibrahim stressed President Bola Tinubu’s consistent emphasis on the pivotal role of Nigerian youth in propelling the nation’s economy forward. She noted that this year’s increased grant allocation signified more than just numerical expansion.

“This fund serves as a tangible manifestation of that commitment, a bridge between the aspirations of our youth and the supportive policies and resources needed to bring those aspirations to life,”Ibrahim said.

“This is a bold move to catalyse a wave of change, encouraging our young citizens to play active roles in shaping the Nigeria we envision.”

Ibrahim also said that this fund served to bridge the gap between the ambitions of Nigerian youth and the resources needed to make them a reality.

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