EFCC Chair: Corruption Poses Continued Threat to Nigeria’s Growth

Uniting the World against Corruption,” underscored the urgency of addressing this persistent challenge on its two-decade anniversary

Ola Olukoyede

During the 2023 International Anti-Corruption Day rally in Kaduna, Mr. Ola Olukoyede, the Executive Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), emphasized the pervasive danger corruption poses to individual development and global prosperity.

The theme of the event, “Anti-Corruption Day is UNCAC @ 20: Uniting the World against Corruption,” underscored the urgency of addressing this persistent challenge on its two-decade anniversary.

Representing the EFCC chairman at the event, Aisha Abubakar, the North West Zonal Commander, highlighted the universal vulnerability to the contagion of corruption. She asserted, “No one is immune, prompting nations to unite in seeking remedies for this common ailment.”

The EFCC, committed to the anti-corruption template endorsed by UNCAC, outlined its strategic focus under Mr. Olukoyede’s leadership. Prioritizing collaboration and synergy with both local and foreign law enforcement agencies, the commission aims to elevate professionalism and ensure strict adherence to the rule of law in all its endeavours.

Mr. Olukoyede emphasized, “Through professionalism and unwavering commitment to the rule of law, the commission strives to boost economic growth by reinstating investors’ confidence in our economy.”

He further clarified that the commission’s concerted efforts aim to create favourable conditions for job creation, facilitate the opening of investment avenues nationwide, and enhance its international standing.

Underlining EFCC’s unwavering dedication to the anti-corruption cause, he affirmed their pivotal role in realizing a corruption-free world. The collective pursuit of this objective, he stated, is vital for sustained economic progress and global well-being.

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