Amnesty International Raises Alarms on Human Rights Standstill Under Tinubu’s Administration

Isa Sanusi, the organization's Country Director in Nigeria, underscored the government's failure to investigate past human rights violations

Amnesty International

Amnesty International has voiced profound apprehension regarding the apparent lack of advancement in human rights under President Bola Tinubu’s administration.

As the world marked Human Rights Day this year, Isa Sanusi, the organization’s Country Director in Nigeria, underscored the government’s failure to investigate past human rights violations and its insufficient response to ongoing abuses.

In an exclusive interview with DW Hausa, Sanusi criticized the government’s reliance on issuing statements in response to such incidents, deeming it a mere repetition of the previous administration’s ineffective strategy.

Sanusi expressed his concerns, stating, “There is no discernible improvement, only an atmosphere of fear. The current administration has not demonstrated a commitment to probing past human rights abuses.

“Additionally, at the beginning of this administration, a minimum of 200 lives were lost. The government’s reaction to human rights violations under the current president mirrors the lacklustre approach of the previous administration, solely relying on issuing statements. This lack of tangible action deepens my scepticism about any substantial progress.”

Highlighting Nigeria’s history marred by human rights violations, from colonial rule to the Biafra War, Sanusi emphasized the escalating trend of such violations.

He remarked, “Many individuals refrain from pursuing legal recourse when their rights are violated. While seeking justice can be challenging and resource-intensive, it is crucial to recognize that we are responsible for defending our rights; no one else will do it for us.

“It is imperative to stand up for ourselves. In the face of abuse by a police officer or soldier, exhaust all legal avenues for justice. Similarly, when a community’s rights are violated, residents should unite and seek legal redress. Silence and reliance on divine intervention for justice empower wrongdoers, and we must not allow this to persist.

“If an individual perpetrates a mass killing in a village, it is crucial for the affected community to collectively approach the government house and demand justice. They should remain steadfast until those responsible are held accountable.”

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