Education Minister Vows Action Against Holders of Degrees from Degree Mills

Mamman addressed concerns about individuals already holding such certificates within the system

Tahir Mamman, the Minister of Education

Tahir Mamman, the Minister of Education, has declared that security operatives will pursue individuals holding certificates from degree mills. Mamman made this statement in response to the recent directive by the Federal Government regarding degrees obtained from institutions in Benin Republic and Togo, following revelations of fraudulent practices.

In an interview on Channels TV’s Politics Today, Mamman addressed concerns about individuals already holding such certificates within the system. He stated, “If along the line, we are able to trace people who are in the system, they would be punished.” He emphasized that the absence of a specific time frame for criminality allows for a comprehensive investigation into the matter.

The Minister clarified that records of Nigerians who attended institutions implicated in fraudulent practices could be scrutinized, regardless of how long ago the incidents occurred.

He asserted, “If we can get records of Nigerians who attended those institutions and once we do that, they are criminals. There is no time frame for criminality. We will trace them, and if we are able to lay our hands on them, certainly security operatives will go after them.”

Mamman also disclosed that the Ministry of Education is expanding its investigation beyond Benin Republic and Togo, extending scrutiny to other institutions in various African countries. The government’s commitment to addressing fraudulent practices in educational institutions reflects a broader effort to ensure the credibility and integrity of academic qualifications in Nigeria.

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