BREAKING: NCC To Bar Glo Subscribers From Calling MTN Lines

The NCC disclosed this on Monday in a public notice signed by Director, Public Affairs Department, Reuben Muoka.

Due to unpaid connection fees, MTN has been granted permission by the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) to partially disconnect Globacom (Glo) from its network.

The NCC’s Director of Public Affairs, Reuben Muoka, made the announcement of the decision on Monday in a document titled “Pre-Disconnection Notice.” Glo’s failure to pay off its outstanding debts despite several attempts at settlement is what led to this decision.

Globacom customers will only be able to receive calls from MTN users during this partial disconnection; they will not be able to make calls themselves. Globacom users will continue to have access to all other network features, such as data services and outgoing calls to other networks.

The statement read, “All subscribers are, therefore requested to take notice that the Commission has approved the Partial Disconnection of Globacom to MTN in accordance with Section 100 of the Nigerian Communications Act, 2003 and Paragraph 9 of the Guidelines on Procedure for Granting Approval to Disconnect Telecommunications Operators, 2012.

“At the expiration of 10 days from January 8, 2024, subscribers of Globacom will no longer be able to make calls to MTN but will be able to receive calls.

“The Partial Disconnection, however, will allow in-bound calls to the Globacom network,” it stated.

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