NIPOST Cracks Down on Illegal Courier Operators Involved in Criminal Activities

Dotun highlighted that the activities of these illegal operators exacerbate the existing security challenges in the country


The Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) has initiated a crackdown on unlicensed courier operators in Kaduna, sealing numerous offices of the affected courier, express delivery, dispatch, and logistics services during an enforcement exercise led by Mr Shonde Dotun, the General Manager of the Courier and Logistics Regulatory Department (CLRD).

Dotun highlighted that the activities of these illegal operators exacerbate the existing security challenges in the country, with some being exploited by criminal elements to facilitate the delivery of firearms and drugs, thus jeopardizing the safety and security of citizens.

“We are here in Kaduna to sanitize the postal market, which includes private postal operators involved in express delivery, dispatch, and logistics services,” Dotun stated. He emphasized the need to enforce regulatory guidelines stipulated by the NIPOST Act and ensure that operators obtain the necessary licenses from the Post Master General of the Federation.

Dotun revealed that many unlicensed operators were found engaging in illicit activities such as fraud, operating without proper offices, and facilitating the transportation of illegal substances. Some were caught with cocaine concealed in bread and heroin disguised as religious statues.

The NIPOST enforcement team’s operations will extend to motor parks, capital market operators, stock houses, and airports, collaborating closely with law enforcement agencies to ensure the prosecution of offenders. Dotun noted that 500 illegal operators were apprehended and prosecuted last year, with over 100 arrests made in the ongoing clampdown, which initially commenced in Kano.

He urged the public to avoid patronizing unlicensed couriers, express delivery, dispatch, and logistics operators, emphasizing the importance of supporting licensed operators and maintaining security standards in the postal market.

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