Our party has done badly, failed in fulfilling campaign promises – APC chieftain


The immediate past National Vice Chairman (North West) of the All Progressives Congress, APC, Salihu Lukman, says the performance of the party since it took power in 2015 has left so much to be desired.

Speaking during in an interview with Arise TV on Monday, Lukman said the party has done badly in meeting its campaign promises.

He pointed out that APC’s performance on key campaign promises like security, economic stability, and anti-corruption has been abysmal and appalling.

Lukman noted that he was hoping the president Bola Tinubu administration would deviate from the uninspiring ways of his predecessor but his actions and deeds have shown that he is not willing to change things.

“I admit that in terms of meeting up with our campaign promises, we have done badly, no doubt about it.

“And what are those campaign promises? Issues of security, the economy, fighting corruption. We have done badly and people are free to reach the conclusion whether or not APC is worse than PDP.

“But as of 2023, before the election, I had the hope that because our leaders were not in denial of the challenges facing us, they would be humble enough to admit that we have not done what we needed to do between 2015 and 2023.

“That’s why I was practically very very confident that he would not really do business as usual the way President Buhari did.

“Unfortunately, here we are. He’s doing business as usual. And as it is, we are going to end up in a worse situation

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