CSO asks EFCC, ICPC to probe Nigeria’s crude oil production

The Nigeria Citizens Watch for Good Governance, a prominent civil society organization, has urged the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) and the Independent Corrupt Practices Commission (ICPC) to launch a thorough investigation into Nigeria’s crude oil production.

The organization has raised concerns over discrepancies in the figures recently announced by the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation Limited (NNPCL).

In a petition signed by Collins Eshiofeh, National President, and Mohammed Grema Adamu, Secretary General, the CSO alleges that the NNPCL’s figures contradict the actual amount of crude oil produced daily.

They are demanding an investigation to reconcile these discrepancies and ensure transparency in the oil sector.

The petition, submitted on Tuesday to the EFCC and ICPC, with a copy sent to the Senate President, urges the agencies to probe the matter and ensure accountability in the oil sector.

The organization is questioning the NNPCL’s announcement of 1.6 million barrels per day, alleging that the true figure is around two million barrels per day.

This discrepancy has raised concerns among Nigerians, who are demanding the truth.

The group is urging the EFCC and ICPC to investigate the matter, ensure that the declared barrels match the actual production, and prevent revenue leakages for the sake of the nation’s economic well-being.

Furthermore, the group is questioning the effectiveness of security outfits in protecting national assets, given the alleged oil theft and vandalism.

They are calling for the use of modern technology to monitor crude oil production and prevent revenue leakages.

They are asking what role the security outfits are playing and which facilities they are protecting, demanding answers from the authorities.

The organization is also calling on the National Assembly to direct the management of NNPCL to use the latest modern technology to keep accurate data on crude oil production quantities.

They believe this will help to ensure transparency and accountability in the oil sector.

The Nigeria Citizens Watch for Good Governance is determined to ensure that the country’s natural resources are managed effectively and that the citizens benefit from them.

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