NERC Reels Out New Sanctions For DisCos

NERC outlined seven key performance indicators that will be used to assess their performance


The Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) has announced new sanctions for Distribution Companies (DisCos) that fail to meet certain contractual agreements with customers and regulators.

In an Order on Performance Monitoring Framework for all DisCos, NERC outlined seven key performance indicators that will be used to assess their performance. These include:

  1. Energy off-take relative to partial contracted capacity
  2. Revenue recovery rate
  3. Compliance with reporting of a uniform system of accounts
  4. Compliance with API feeder streaming
  5. Compliance with the order on capping of estimated bills
  6. Compliance with the implementation of forum decisions
  7. Compliance with service standards for the resolution of complaints received through the NERC contact centre and NERC headquarters

The order, signed by NERC’s Chairman, Sanusi Garbo, and Commissioner for Legal, Licensing & Compliance, Dafe C. Akpeneye, aims to hold the top management of each DisCo accountable for their compliance with reporting requirements and implementation of the commission’s directives.

“This will drive increased operational performance from DisCos, thereby improving energy delivery to customers within their franchise areas,” the order stated.

Specific sanctions include:

For non-compliance in resolving complaints through the NERC contact centre or headquarters after the expiration of timelines in the Customer Complaints Resolution (CPR), the following fines will apply:

These measures ensure better service delivery and accountability from the DisCos to their customers.

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