Hardship in Nigeria: Protests Against Tinubu Not the Best Solution, Says Expert

He stressed the importance of followers ensuring that the right leaders are elected to implement beneficial policies

President Bola Tinubu

Prof. Adeyinka Omigbodun, former President of the West African College of Surgeons, has voiced concerns about Nigerians’ hardships due to rising commodity prices. While attributing the difficulties to poor leadership, he cautioned against street protests as a solution.

Speaking at the University of Medical Sciences (UNIMED) in Ondo during the fourth Emeritus Professor Oladipo Akinkugbe Distinguished Lecture, Omigbodun highlighted that peaceful demonstrations are a citizen’s right. However, he stressed the importance of followers ensuring that leaders are elected to implement beneficial policies.

“It is not necessary to protest on the street to make your feelings known,” Omigbodun said. “Followers should express their concerns to correct issues; responsible leaders will listen and respond.”

He added that leadership reflects followership, emphasizing that everyone must strive to be better leaders for national development. Omigbodun pointed out that every country faces leadership challenges, and Nigeria is no exception.

As a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Ibadan, Omigbodun discussed “Leadership, Mentorship, and Academic Development in Nigeria.” He emphasized that both leaders and followers have critical roles in Nigeria’s progress and in addressing its challenges.

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