Diphtheria Outbreak: 3 Children Confirmed Dead in Zaria

Diphtheria Outbreak in Kaduna State Claims Lives


A suspected diphtheria outbreak in the Tukur Tukur settlement of Zaria Local Government Area, Kaduna State, has resulted in the deaths of three children, according to a health team from the Kaduna State Primary Healthcare Board and representatives from the World Health Organization (WHO).

The team, led by Dr. Bello Yusuf Jamo, the Executive Secretary of the board, conducted an on-the-spot assessment of the affected area. Dr. Jamo revealed that this is the first reported diphtheria outbreak in Zaria LGA’s 13 wards since a routine vaccination exercise was conducted two months ago.

Dr. Jamo attributed the outbreak to non-compliance with the diphtheria vaccination during the previous exercise, noting that Tukur Tukur settlement had the highest rejection rate of the vaccine.

In response to the outbreak, Dr. Jamo met with ward leaders, religious leaders, and other community figures, urging them to intensify efforts to encourage vaccination within the community. He ordered an immediate vaccination drive for all children in the affected area, resulting in over 1,000 children being vaccinated. The vaccination campaign is set to continue for the next week in both the settlement and neighbouring areas to prevent further spread of the disease.

Abdullahi Sule, the Health Secretary of the local council, reported that one of the victims died at home, while the other two passed away after being rushed to Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital (ABUTH) in Shika, Zaria.

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