Fuel Price Hike Could Push Frustrated Nigerians Toward Mob Action – Catholic Group

Papal Knights Warn of Potential Unrest Due to Rising Fuel Prices, Call for Government Action

Petrol price

The Association of Papal Knights and Medalists in Nigeria (APKMN) has warned that the recent increase in fuel prices could lead to mob action by impoverished and frustrated Nigerians.

In a statement signed by National President Sir Steve Adehi, SAN, and National Secretary Dame (Arc) Rosemary Azimi, the group highlighted the severe impact of the price hike, which comes alongside rising electricity tariffs and high tax rates, on an already struggling population. The Catholic group emphasized that the worsening economic conditions could spark mass unrest and called on the Federal Government to reconsider the fuel price increase and seek alternative solutions to prevent widespread upheaval.

The association noted that many Nigerians are suffering, with civil servants reportedly working only two to three days a week and labour unions threatening strikes. They also urged the government to address deeper economic issues, such as corruption and mismanagement, and to provide a detailed report on maintaining the country’s refineries in Warri, Port Harcourt, and Kaduna, while supporting the Dangote Refinery.

Their statement read: “The recent increase in petroleum prices has sparked widespread outrage and concern among Nigerian citizens already suffering from the economic downturn. This latest hike is a devastating blow to Nigerians who are already struggling to make ends meet after recent increases in electricity tariffs and high tax rates. The unstable exchange rate is another burden that ordinary citizens and manufacturers have grappled with recently.”

The statement also mentioned that many manufacturing companies have shut down, many workers have been laid off, and millions of small-scale businesses have collapsed. The association warned of a potential crisis: “There is palpable fear of mob actions by hungry and angry citizens. The fuel price increase has far-reaching consequences affecting not only transportation costs but also the prices of essential goods and services. The ripple effect is felt across all sectors, with small business owners, artisans, and low-income earners bearing the brunt.”

The APKMN criticized the government’s justification for the price hike as unconvincing and argued that measures to mitigate its effects are nearly nonexistent. They called for urgent and decisive action by the government, noting that while many people are calling for the immediate operation of the Dangote Refinery, positive actions from the government are still needed to enable it to begin production.

The group made the following demands of the government:

  1. Reconsider the fuel price increase and explore alternative solutions.
  2. Provide tangible support to vulnerable citizens, such as subsidies.
  3. Address the root causes of the economic downturn, including corruption and mismanagement.
  4. Provide a detailed report on the turnaround maintenance of the Nigerian refineries in Warri, Port Harcourt, and Kaduna.
  5. Take deliberate steps to strengthen the weak Naira.
  6. Give the Dangote Refinery and Petrochemical Company all the necessary support to commence operations fully.
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