8 Tips To Know What You Want In Life

Know What You Want In Life

In today’s ambitious world, it’s common to find oneself pondering the true purpose of life. This introspection, far from being a sign of naivety, indicates the initial step toward a meaningful existence. Questioning what you want out of life is not a sign of ignorance or unpreparedness but a path to balance, focus, determination, and fulfilment. Those who navigate through life without considering these fundamental questions often fail or live unfulfilled lives.

Consequently, relying solely on fate and luck without a clear sense of direction can lead to accepting whatever life throws at you, even when better options could have been chosen or problems prevented. This is far from an ideal life. The ideal life involves taking control of your destiny to the best of your abilities, consciously choosing your path, and making informed decisions. Knowing what you want is all-encompassing and invaluable in a life defined by your choices.

Tips to Discover Your Life’s Purpose

  1. Identify Your Passions

    Determining what you want in life begins with a profound self-examination. Everyone possesses natural inclinations and passions. These may not necessarily align with your hobbies but reflect the causes and goals that stir your deepest emotions. Introspection is key, and you can augment your findings with input from trusted friends who have observed your passions. Whether it’s a passion for justice, history, environment, religious beliefs, discovery, or sharing knowledge, consciously identifying these passions can help you determine your life’s direction.

  2. Define Your Personal Values

    Personal values are the principles, beliefs, and qualities you ascribe importance to. While they can be compromised, they profoundly influence your character and capabilities. Pursuing causes that align with your values provides intrinsic motivation and removes personal hindrances. When identifying what you want in life, it’s crucial to consider your personal values, which are pivotal in shaping your aspirations.

  3. Draw Inspiration from Role Models

    Reflect on the people you admire and the reasons behind your admiration. These individuals have likely achieved remarkable heights or live in ways that resonate with you. Assess whether you aspire to be like them. Admiration doesn’t necessarily equate to emulation, but it’s worth exploring whether you envision yourself following similar paths. Your role models can provide valuable insights into what you want to achieve.

  4. Distinguish Needs from Wants

    Discerning your needs is instrumental in shaping your life’s goals. Needs, unlike wants, are essential and often align with your passions. These needs extend beyond materialistic desires and are often related to providing solutions and solving problems. By answering questions about what you desire to achieve, the changes you seek to make, and the solutions you’re passionate about, you can channel your mindset toward fulfilling your needs, which you undoubtedly want.

  5. Identify Sources of Happiness

    Happiness is a fundamental pursuit for all individuals. The things that bring you joy are undoubtedly what you want in life. Everyone seeks an environment and activities that elicit happiness. Identify the elements that contribute to your happiness, both from within and external factors. Creating a list of these happiness-inducing factors is an excellent starting point for understanding what you truly want.

  6. Exclude What You Don’t Want

    Clarity often emerges from defining what you don’t want. You can enhance focus and reduce distractions and uncertainties by eliminating undesirable elements. This exclusion process simplifies the journey to discovering what you want in life. Start by identifying what you don’t want and proceed from there.

  7. Reflect on Your Achievements

    Reckoning your accomplishments serves several purposes. It allows you to set new goals, provides motivation to excel, and fosters consistency. Areas where you’ve succeeded can be a compass, guiding you toward potential life objectives. Your past achievements can reveal what you genuinely want to pursue in life.

  8. Seek Guidance

    Nobody outgrows the need for advice. If you are uncertain about your life’s purpose, seeking advice is essential. While you may already have your thoughts and resolutions, trusted friends, family members, or experts can provide invaluable insights and perspectives that help clarify your path.


The question of what you want in life can arise at any stage and as often as needed. While it may never receive a definitive answer, it serves as a compass for focus and purpose. Embracing these tips for self-discovery can lead you to a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life.

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