How to Become a Writer

How to Become a Writer

When it comes to becoming a writer, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the abundance of advice available. However, you can develop your talent and embark on a fulfilling writing career with determination and guidance. This comprehensive guide will explore the nine essential steps to help you become a successful writer, covering everything from finding your niche to securing writing jobs. So, let’s dive in and discover how you can turn your passion for writing into a rewarding profession.

How to Become a Writer in 9 Steps

Step 1: Choose Your Path

To start your writing journey, it’s crucial to identify the avenue that aligns with your interests and strengths. Consider various paths such as blogging, freelance writing, copywriting, nonfiction or fiction book writing, ghostwriting, journalism, or technical writing. Take the time to explore each option, gather insights from experienced professionals, and try part-time writing jobs in different areas to understand what resonates with you clearly.

Step 2: Overcome Writer’s Block and Get Started

Many aspiring writers find themselves staring at a blank page, unsure of where to begin. The key to overcoming this hurdle is letting go of perfectionism and writing without self-editing excessively. Embrace the idea that imperfections are part of the creative process and develop resilience to face criticism. Remember, great writers can keep pushing forward regardless of setbacks.

Step 3: Cultivate a Daily Writing Habit

Professional writers make writing a daily practice. Set aside a specific time each day to focus on your craft. Whether journal entries, blog posts, emails, or creative writing exercises, regular writing will sharpen your skills and enhance your consistency. Track your progress and set achievable writing targets in terms of word count or minutes dedicated to writing.

Step 4: Embrace the Concept of “Deep Work”

Create a distraction-free environment that allows you to immerse yourself in your writing fully. Multitasking hampers productivity, so prioritize single-tasking to produce your best work. Start by clarifying your goals, automating tasks where possible, focusing on one task at a time, establishing a daily ritual for deep work, minimizing social media distractions, and knowing when to take breaks and rest your mind. For further guidance, refer to Cal Newport’s book, “Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World.”

Step 5: Read Extensively

To become a skilled writer, be an avid reader. The books you choose will influence your writing style and expand your knowledge. Create a monthly reading list that encompasses books on writing similar to those you aspire to write and books you read purely for enjoyment. Personalize your list while also seeking recommendations from trusted sources.

Step 6: Continue Learning and Improve

Formal education is not a prerequisite for becoming a successful writer. However, continuous learning and personal development are vital. Apart from reading, explore online courses offered by platforms like Udemy, Skillshare, or Consider certification programs and writing-focused degrees. Submit your work to writing contests, build a website, and engage with writing communities to enhance your knowledge and skills.

Step 7: Join Writing Communities

Writing is often a collaborative process, and connecting with other writers is instrumental in your growth. Engage in writing-centric Facebook and LinkedIn groups, local writing communities, and online platforms like CampNaNoWriMo and Critique Circle. Attend networking events like the Writer’s Digest Annual Conference to meet fellow writers and learn from their experiences. Share your insights and learn from others to foster a supportive environment.

Step 8: Discover Paid Writing Opportunities

When you’re ready to monetize your writing skills, knowing where to find well-paying opportunities is essential. Regularly explore job boards such as Problogger, FlexJobs, and Be active on LinkedIn and Facebook groups related to writing and your chosen genre. Familiarize yourself with writer guidelines provided by magazines and book publishers. Leverage your connections on social media to find potential clients, editors, and publishers.

Step 9: Build Credibility

After receiving payment for your work, don’t forget to request client testimonials. Testimonials are a valuable asset that demonstrates client satisfaction, highlights your effectiveness, and boosts your credibility. Collecting testimonials also offers self-improvement opportunities by gathering feedback and identifying growth areas. Don’t hesitate to ask for testimonials; they are crucial in gaining trust and expanding your client base.


Becoming a successful writer requires consistent action and dedication. Remember, the process may not be easy, but by following these nine steps, you’ll be on your way to achieving your goals. Take control of your writing career, set S.M.A.R.T. goals, cultivate smart habits, and watch your writing dreams become a reality. So, start today, implement these strategies, and unlock your full writing potential.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Writers Get Paid Well?

It’s not hard to find success stories of writers who earn six figures (or more) with their craft. Famous authors like Liane Moriarty and Stephen King come to mind.

That said, no content writer starts with the promise of a six-figure income, no matter how good they are. And it’s best not to quit your other job until you’ve met one of the following enviable conditions:

You’re consistently earning enough with your writing to replace the income you’d lose or

You have solid evidence your writing income, plus any other household income, will more than makeup for it.

Do I Need a Writer’s Website to Be Successful?

While you can host your writing profile on sites like Contently or LinkedIn, you wouldn’t own the platforms. You can create a profile on your online real estate with a self-hosted website.

But those aren’t the only benefits of owning your platform:

How Do I Start a Writing Career When I Still Have a Job?

You don’t need to be unemployed or have much free time to start building a profitable writing career.

Whatever path you choose, you can set aside time for the following:

Do what you can every day to get closer to your writing goals.

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