How to Keep Your Kids Mentally Fit During the Holidays

Supporting Kids' Mental Well-being During the Holidays

The holiday season is a time of joy, but it can also bring stress, especially for our kids. Amidst the festive chaos, it’s crucial to recognize the impact on their mental well-being. From disrupted routines to sensory overload, kids may experience meltdowns or increased anxiety. While holiday stress is inevitable, there are practical ways to minimize it and ensure your kids stay mentally and emotionally fit during this season.

Why the Holiday Season Can Be Stressful for Kids

The holidays, while magical, can overwhelm kids for several reasons:

  1. Sensory Overload: Bright lights, loud sounds, and crowded spaces can be overwhelming.
  2. High Expectations: Kids may feel let down if reality doesn’t match their holiday expectations.
  3. Disrupted Routines: Changes in sleep schedules and daily routines can contribute to stress.
  4. Parental Stress: Kids are perceptive; they can pick up on parents’ stress, adding to their own.
  5. Unhealthy Habits: Poor eating, lack of exercise, and busy schedules contribute to heightened stress.

How To Support Kids’ Emotional Well-being During the Holidays

To help your child manage holiday stress, consider these tips:

1. Be Mindful of Your Own Stress Levels

As adults, dealing with extended family, shopping, cooking, and a packed calendar can be stressful. Children are sensitive to their surroundings, absorbing the stress of adults. Managing your holiday stress through healthy boundaries, saying “no” to joyless activities, and practising stress-relief techniques can positively impact your kids’ emotional balance.

2. Set Realistic Expectations

Help manage your children’s expectations by emphasizing that the holidays are about fun and togetherness, not perfection or excess. Encourage them to express disappointment about gifts, teaching gratitude and the value of shared family rituals.

3. Maintain Routines

Children thrive on routines, and disruptions during the holiday season can induce stress. Stick to your child’s sleep and mealtime schedule as much as possible to ground them emotionally.

4. Avoid Overscheduling

While filling the holidays with numerous activities is tempting, children can easily become overstimulated and sleep-deprived. Prioritize downtime, ensuring at least 30 minutes of quiet time each day for activities like reading or resting in a dimly lit room.

How Can I Keep My Kids Mentally Active During The Holiday Season?

Beyond emotional impacts, the physical conditions during the holidays can affect your child’s mental well-being. Here are tips for keeping them physically and mentally fit:


Stick to regular sleep schedules and bedtime routines to ensure adequate rest. Be mindful of the increased intake of junk food during the holidays and balance it with healthier food options.


Balance holiday treats with healthy foods to counteract the increased sweets and junk food intake.


While vacations often lead to more screen use, set limits to prevent excess screentime, which can contribute to crankiness in children.

Movement and Fresh Air

Despite the chilly weather, ensure your kids stay active and get fresh air. Physical activity boosts mood and contributes to their overall health and vitality.

Holiday Traditions that Nurture Kids’ Mental Health

Nurturing your child’s mental health during the holidays involves creating positive traditions:

Create Family Rituals

Whether it’s a Thanksgiving football game or unique traditions like watching a favourite holiday movie, these rituals ground children and create lasting memories. Be open to adapting traditions as kids grow and change.

Helping Others

Engage in activities that instil gratitude and a sense of positivity by helping others, such as donating to toy drives, visiting older relatives, or volunteering at a soup kitchen.

Value Experiences Over Gifts

Consider prioritizing experiences over material gifts. Meaningful experiences, like a special vacation or attending a theatre show, foster personal connections and lasting memories.

Where to Go From Here

Make positive choices to reduce holiday stress for your kids. If your child experiences significant mental health issues during the holidays, consider reaching out to a therapist for professional help.

FAQs About Keeping Kids Mentally Fit During Holidays

Q1: How can I tell if my child is experiencing holiday stress?

A1: Look for signs like meltdowns, sleep issues, resistance to routine changes, and increased anxiety or depression.

Q2: Are there specific activities that can help reduce holiday stress for kids?

A2: Yes, engaging in calming activities like reading, cuddling, or quiet time can significantly alleviate stress.

Q3: How can I balance holiday treats with healthy eating for my kids?

A3: Moderation is key. Allow treats in moderation and ensure they are balanced with nutritious foods.

Q4: What if my child doesn’t want to participate in family traditions anymore?

A4: Be open to evolving traditions as your child grows. It’s normal for interests to change.

Q5: When should I consider professional help for my child’s holiday stress?

A5: If your child experiences frequent meltdowns, sleep issues, resistance to routine changes, or signs of anxiety and depression, seeking help from a licensed mental health professional is advisable.

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