How to Create a Video Resume to Land Your Dream Job

Video resume

The traditional paper resume may not be enough, and that’s where the video resume comes into play. This dynamic tool allows you to showcase your skills, personality, and interview prowess in a way that traditional resumes can’t. In this article, we’ll explore what a video resume is, whether you should create one, and provide a step-by-step guide on how to make an impactful video resume. Let’s dive in!

What’s a Video Resume?

A video resume, also known as a video CV, is a short presentation where you verbally communicate your professional expertise, skills, and achievements. Unlike a traditional resume, a video resume allows you to put a face to the qualifications. It’s an effective way to stand out in a digital world and capture the attention of recruiters.

Video resume

Should You Create a Video Resume?

Opting for a video resume injects a personal touch into your job application. It becomes a canvas for showcasing creativity and innovative thinking. Notably, a 2021 study by the Canadian research institute Cirano found that video resumes increased call-back rates by over 10%.

Employers value the in-depth understanding they gain from video resumes, helping them assess if applicants align with the company culture. However, a cautionary note is essential for those in technical and formal industries, where a traditional CV and digital resume may be more fitting.

How to Make a Video Resume: 7 Steps

Make a Script

Move beyond listing work experiences; craft an elevator pitch that swiftly and effectively sells your unique value. Identify key points from your work history, highlight in-demand skills, and weave them into a narrative filled with action verbs. Keep it concise, and engaging, and remember – you’re not creating a standard paper resume; you’re telling a compelling story.

Prepare Filming Space

Your filming environment reflects your professionalism. Ensure it’s neat, well-lit, and free of distractions. Natural light is preferred, but if unavailable, use a well-placed lamp or external light source.

Set Up Recording Media

Whether using a smartphone or professional camera, prioritize recording quality. Use a tripod for stability, position the camera at eye level, and maintain a quiet space for clear audio.

Record, Then Record Again

Look directly into the camera, speak clearly, and be yourself. Multiple recordings may be necessary to achieve the desired take. Mimic in-person eye contact to convey care and engagement.

Add Visuals

Enhance your video resume with relevant visuals like graphics and animations. However, ensure they support your narrative and don’t distract from your strengths.

Edit the Video

Use video editing software to refine your video. Trim excess footage, fix minor issues, and add effects or background music judiciously. Edits should enhance clarity and engagement.

Get Feedback

Don’t solely rely on your judgment. Solicit second and third opinions from friends, career coaches, and mentors, implementing their constructive feedback. This collaborative effort can be the key difference between a good video resume and a truly outstanding one.

Video resume

Tips to Make Your Video Resume Stand Out

Keep It Relevant

Tailor your video content to match the job description, showcasing skills and qualifications relevant to the position. Demonstrate that you’ve done your homework and perfectly fit the company’s needs.

Keep It Simple

Despite creative freedom, avoid overcrowding your video with excessive information or flashy effects. Tell a clear, concise story, ensuring any graphics or animations support your narrative.

Be Creative

Use this opportunity to showcase your uniqueness. Add personal style, humor, or elements that reflect your creative thinking. Make your video resume engaging and aligned with your personal brand.

Be Professional

Despite the stylized format, maintain professionalism. Dress appropriately, use a respectful tone, and be mindful of body language. Provide a preview of your workplace professionalism.

Strategically Highlight Skills

Instead of merely stating your skills, demonstrate them. Tailor your presentation to showcase relevant skills, such as clear communication or graphic design, depending on the job requirements.


In conclusion, a well-crafted video resume can significantly enhance your job application. It provides a personal touch, uniquely showcasing your skills and personality. Remember to tailor your video to the job, keep it simple yet creative, and maintain a professional demeanor.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Anyone Create a Video Resume?

Yes, anyone can create a video resume. It’s a versatile tool suitable for individuals in various industries.

How Long Should a Video Resume Be?

Aim for a video duration of 1-3 minutes. Keep it concise while effectively presenting your qualifications.

What Attire Should I Wear in a Video Resume?

Dress professionally, as you would for an interview. Choose attire that aligns with the company culture.

Should I Include Personal Information in a Video Resume?

Avoid sharing overly personal details. Focus on professional information relevant to the job.

Can a Video Resume Replace a Traditional Resume?

No, a video resume should complement, not replace, a traditional resume. Use both tools to present a comprehensive view of your qualifications.

With these insights and practical steps, you’re equipped to create a standout video resume that can elevate your job search to new heights. Good luck!

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