How to Open NULL File Extension on Windows, Android & iOS Devices

How to Open NULL File Extension on Windows, Android & iOS Devices

Have you ever come across a file with a . NULL extension and been totally stumped as to how to open it? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Null files can seem perplexing since you have no idea what kind of file it actually is or what program can open it.

The good news is there are a few tricks you can try to access the contents of a Null file. Whether you’re using Windows, Android or iOS, this quick guide will walk you through how to open a NULL file on your device. By the end of this, you’ll be opening Null files with confidence and accessing those pesky unidentified files that have been cluttering up your storage space.

What Is a NULL File?

A Null file is empty, meaning it contains no data. NULL files are also known as empty files or zero-byte files. NULL files are often used for testing since they allow you to examine how your device or software will behave when presented with an empty file.

How are NULL Files Created?

NULL files can be created in a few ways:

Are NULL Files Harmful?

For the most part, NULL files are harmless. However, a large number of empty files can waste disk space and may slow down file operations. You can safely delete NULL files to free up space. Some NULL files may be used as placeholders by applications, so check with the software’s documentation first before deleting them. NULL files are not viruses or malware. They contain no code or data, so they cannot execute or spread. However, a NULL file with an unusual name or location could potentially be used to trick users into thinking it’s something it’s not. But the file itself is inert.

In summary, NULL files are empty files that take up space but contain no data. They are usually harmless but can often be deleted to free up storage. NULL files cannot spread or execute code, though the filenames may sometimes be misleading.

Why You Might Encounter a NULL File

Why might you encounter a NULL file extension? There are several possible reasons why a NULL file may appear on your device.

Corrupted or Damaged File

The most common reason is that the file has become corrupted or damaged in some way. Maybe there was an error when the file was created, downloaded, or transferred that caused the file extension to change to NULL. In this case, you may be able to recover the file using data recovery software. However, there is a chance the file may be permanently lost.

Incomplete Download

If you are downloading the file and the download fails to complete fully, it can sometimes result in a NULL file extension. Try deleting the file and re-downloading it. Make sure you have a stable internet connection and enough storage space for the entire file.

File Type Not Recognized

Your operating system may not recognize the actual file extension of the file, so it assigns it a NULL extension by default. You may be able to change the file extension manually to something appropriate for that file type. But do so carefully, as assigning the wrong file extension can sometimes cause issues.

Encrypted or Password Protected

The file may be encrypted or password protected, in which case the file extension is hidden for security reasons. You will need to enter the correct password or decryption key to access the file contents.

System Glitch

In rare cases, a glitch in the operating system itself can cause file extensions to display incorrectly as NULL. Restarting your device may resolve the issue. If not, you may need to perform a system restore or reset to fix any software glitches.

Unknown File Type

The file extension may be for a very obscure or proprietary file type that your system does not recognize. In some cases, installing additional software, drivers, or codecs may allow your system to recognize the file extension properly. Otherwise, the file may not be accessible.

Malware Infection

Some malware infections can manipulate or hide file extensions as part of the infection. Run a full system scan with updated antivirus software to check for and remove any malware. This may help restore file extensions to normal.

How to Open NULL File on Windows, Android, & IOS Devices

NULL files are not associated with any particular software program, so Windows, Android, and iOS don’t recognize them by default. The good news is there are a few ways you can access the contents of a NULL file.

How to Open a Null File on Windows

There are two ways to open NULL files in Windows: command prompt and Notepad.

To open a NULL file extension on Windows via command prompt, here are the steps to take:

Command prompt

  1. You can access the command prompt by clicking the “Windows + R” buttons on your keyboard and then typing “cmd,”
  2. Press the “Enter” key after typing, then “type NUL.”
  3. This will open a NULL file in the command prompt window.


  1. You can open your Notepad by clicking the “Windows + R” keys and then type “Notepad’.
  2. Select “File,” then “Open.”
  3. Type “NUL” in the “File Name:” Open the dialogue box, then click “Open.”
  4. Notepad will open a NULL file.

The General Method

The following is the general procedure for opening a NULL file in Windows.

  1. In Windows OS file explorer, locate the NULL file and double-click it to open the accompanying application.
  2. If you get a “Windows can’t open a file” error message instead of a NULL file being opened in an application, look for a program to open the file in question.
  3. Once you locate the application that can open the NULL file, launch it and see if it has “File” and then “Open” main menu option.
  4. If you don’t know which application opens NULL files, try searching for “open NULL file” or “NULL wiki” on any search engine.
  5. Install the programme you discovered, and check if it can open the NULL file.

The NULL file should now open with the program you selected. If it still does not open, you may have a corrupted file and may need to restore a previous version of the file.

How to Open a Null File on Android

To open a NULL file extension on your Android device, follow these steps:

  1. Find and open the “My Files” or “File Manager” application. The file manager’s name may vary depending on your Android version.
  2. Locate the NULL file download in the “Downloads” folder within the application.
  3. In that folder, you should find your downloaded NULL record.
  4. Tap the file to open it.
  5. If the file does not open, search the Play Store for “NULL” to find a related application that can open it.

If you are unable to access the file using the Play Store apps, the file may need to be opened on a desktop platform such as Windows or Mac OS.

How to Open a Null File Extension on iOS Devices

To open a NULL file extension on an iOS device, follow these steps:

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open the File Manager App. The first step is to open the file manager app on your iOS device.
  2. Locate the NULL File. Open the file manager app and find the NULL file you want to open. NULL files typically have a blank icon and are labeled as “file” or “.null” or have a generic file name. Tap on the NULL file to select it.
  3. Choose an App to Open the File. After selecting the NULL file, tap the “Open in” or “Share” button. This will display a list of apps on your device that can potentially open the file.
  4. Select an App and Tap “Open.” Scroll through the list of apps and choose one to try opening the NULL file. Tap “Open” to launch the app and attempt to open the file. If you don’t have the programme to access it, search on the Appstore for “NULL.” This will help you identify programmes that can open NULL files.
  5. Trial and Error. Unfortunately, there is no surefire way to know exactly which app can open a particular NULL file. You may need to try opening the file in a few different apps to find one that is compatible.

Second Method

  1. Use a third-party text editor, such as TextWrangler or BBEdit.
  2. To analyze the contents of a NULL file, use a hex editor. This is a more technical approach, but it might be useful if you need to examine the raw data in a file.

Other Methods to Open NULL Files

Here are other methods you can use to open a null file:

Using the device’s built-in apps

Depending on the sort of copy, other programmes on your device may be able to open the NULL file. If the document is a JPEG, for example, open it with the default photo or photos app.

Change the File Extension

The simplest solution is to change the file extension to one that your device recognizes. For example, if it’s a text file, change it.NULL to .txt. If it’s an image, try .jpg or .png. You may need to experiment to find the right extension.

To change the extension on Windows, right-click the file, select “Rename” and edit the extension. On Android, tap and hold the file, select “Rename” and edit. On iOS, tap the file to select it, then tap the file name to edit.

Check your Antivirus Software

It’s possible your antivirus software or firewall has quarantined or blocked the NULL file, giving it that extension. You may need to temporarily disable your antivirus to allow the file to open. Be very careful doing this, as the file could contain malware. Only disable the antivirus temporarily and then re-enable it.

Use a Text Editor

If changing the extension doesn’t work, you can try opening the NULL file in a text editor like Notepad (Windows), TextEdit (Mac), or a free code editor like Notepad++, Atom, or Visual Studio Code. These can open unidentified file types and may be able to render the contents properly. You may see garbled text or code, but you may also find readable text or be able to identify the actual file type.

Download a File Viewer App

On mobile devices, you can download a file viewer app like ES File Explorer (Android) or File Explorer (iOS) that can open unidentified file types. These apps will try to analyze the file signature and render the contents appropriately. They can open text files, images, video, audio files, and more.

Do an Online File Scan

As a last resort, you can upload the NULL file to an online file scanning service like VirusTotal, Hybrid Analysis, or MetaDefender to have the file analyzed. These services will scan the file for malware and may be able to identify the actual file type and contents. Use caution when uploading unknown files, as they could contain viruses. But these services can give you more insight into NULL files when all else fails.

If all else fails, you may have a permanently corrupted NULL file. Unfortunately, in this case, the file cannot be opened. You can try using a data recovery tool to recover any contents of the file, or you may need to delete the file.

What software is used for removing the NULL file from a system?

When it comes to removing NULL files from your system, you have a few good options to choose from. Here are 7 of the top software programs online for removing NULL files:

What are the 5 Types of File Formats?

The five types of document files include the following:

  1. Word document (DOC and DOCX)
  2. Portable document format (PDF)
  3. Text file (TXT)
  4. Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file (XLS and XLSX)
  5. Hypertext markup language (HTML and HTM)

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about Null files:

What are Null files?

Null files are empty or corrupted files that contain no readable data. They tend to have a file size of 0 bytes. There are a few ways Null files can get onto your device:

Can I delete NULL files?

Most NULL files can be safely deleted if they are no longer needed or serve a purpose. However, there are a few instances where you should not delete a NULL file:

How do I fix Null files?

The easiest way to fix Null files is to simply delete them. They contain no usable data anyway. Here are the steps:

  1. Locate the Null files on your device. They’ll typically have a file size of 0 bytes.
  2. Select the Null files and press “Delete” or “Move to Trash”.
  3. If the files don’t delete, you may need to run a disk repair tool like Disk Utility (Mac) or chkdsk (Windows) to repair any file system errors. Then, try deleting the files again.

Why do NULL files even exist?

NULL files are basically placeholder files. They serve a few purposes:

As always, when in doubt, it is best to check with a system administrator before deleting any files on a computer system. But for casual or personal use, most NULL files can be deleted if you verify they are not serving an important purpose.


While some may propose leaving a null file, this is not advised. By utilizing the information provided in this article on how to open a null file, you will be able to open the file easily and decide whether to leave it or delete it.


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