9 Best Foods to Eat When You Have Diarrhea

Foods for Diarrhoea

Dealing with diarrhoea can be uncomfortable and disruptive. But fear not; your diet can play a significant role in soothing your stomach and aiding your recovery. Let’s explore the top 9 foods to munch on when battling the runs and some helpful tips to get you back on track.

When your stomach is flipping like an acrobat, simple is best. Here are the nine superfoods you should consider adding to your plate.

Foods to eat

The best foods to eat when you have diarrhoea include:

1. Peeled Apples

Peeled apples are nature’s gentle remedy for diarrhoea. Packed with soluble fibre and easy on the tummy, these juicy delights help regulate bowel movements without causing distress. Remember, always ditch the peel!

2. Potatoes

Potatoes might seem humble, but they’re mighty in easing digestive woes. Low in fibre and easy to digest, they offer comfort and nutrition without aggravating your gut. For best results, opt for peel-free preparations like mashed or roasted potatoes.

3. Unripe Bananas

When it comes to calming your tummy, think green! Unripe bananas boast a hefty dose of soluble fibre, making them a go-to snack during diarrhoea bouts. Blend them into smoothies or enjoy them as is for a gut-friendly treat.

4. Fish

Make a splash with fish! Opt for varieties like sole or cod, which are rich in lean protein and light on the stomach. Not only do they aid digestion, but they also help fortify your body’s defences.

5. Peeled Guava

Say hello to peeled guava, a tropical delight perfect for upset stomachs. Its low insoluble fibre content makes it gentle on digestion while packing a punch of flavour and hydration.

6. White Rice

White rice to the rescue! This pantry staple is your best friend during tummy troubles. Its low fibre content makes it easy on the stomach, providing a blank canvas for culinary comfort.

7. Boiled Carrots

Don’t let diarrhoea dim your love for veggies! Boiled carrots are your ticket to a happy belly. With their pectin content and soft texture, they’re soothing and nutritious.

8. Coconut Water

Stay hydrated with nature’s electrolyte-packed elixir – coconut water! Sip on this refreshing drink to replenish lost fluids and keep dehydration at bay.

9. Peeled Pears

Wrap up your meal plan with peeled pears, a sweet solution to digestive distress. Bursting with soluble fibre and water, they’re a delicious way to ease discomfort.

Starting Your Diet

Begin with a liquid diet consisting of homemade broths, soups, strained juices, and teas like chamomile, bay leaf, or guava. Progress to easily digestible foods such as white rice, noodles, pasta, polenta, and cooked vegetables paired with lean proteins like eggs, skinless chicken, or fish.

Foods to Avoid

Certain foods can exacerbate diarrhoea and should be avoided:

Home Remedies

Incorporate home remedies like chamomile tea, coconut water, carrot soup, apple juice, and rice water to alleviate symptoms and aid recovery.

Medication Usage

Only use diarrhoea medications under medical guidance, especially during intestinal infections. Probiotic supplementation may also be recommended to restore gut balance.

When to Seek Medical Attention

Monitor symptoms closely and consult a doctor if diarrhoea persists for over a week, signs of dehydration appear, or intense abdominal pain or bloody stool occurs. Children and older adults should be assessed if diarrhoea persists for over three days.


Q: Can I eat dairy products when I have diarrhoea?

A: It’s best to steer clear of dairy products like milk and cheese as they can exacerbate symptoms and worsen diarrhoea.

Q: Are nuts safe to eat during diarrhoea?

A: Avoid nuts, as their high fibre content can be harsh on the stomach and worsen diarrhoea symptoms.

Q: Should I drink fruit smoothies when I have diarrhoea?

A: Fruit smoothies, especially those high in fructose, can irritate the stomach and worsen diarrhea. Stick to low-fiber, gentle options.

Q: How long should diarrhea last before I see a doctor?

A: If diarrhea persists for more than a week or is accompanied by signs of dehydration or intense abdominal pain, it’s crucial to seek medical attention.

Q: Can I take over-the-counter medications for diarrhoea?

A: It’s essential to consult a doctor before taking any medications for diarrhea, as they may not be suitable for everyone and could worsen certain conditions.

Next time your stomach starts staging a revolt, reach for these gut-friendly goodies to ease discomfort and speed up your recovery. Remember, simple, bland foods are your allies in the battle against diarrhea!

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