How to Get Kids Excited About Reading

How to Get Kids Excited About Reading

Reading is a gateway to endless adventures, knowledge, and imagination. Instilling a love for reading in children is a priceless gift that lasts a lifetime. But how do we make books as captivating as video games or toys? Let’s explore some exciting ways to ignite the reading spark in kids!

Tips for Getting Kids’ Passion for Reading

When children derive enjoyment from reading, it encourages them to dedicate time to it and fosters a genuine interest in learning to read. This intrinsic motivation is pivotal in nurturing a lifelong habit of reading. Conversely, in the absence of enjoyment, motivation tends to wane.

Interest-based Texts

As Nolen (2007) noted, children can find motivation in various facets of reading. Offering texts aligned with their interests proves instrumental in cultivating their reading habits. Incorporating stories on subjects they adore—dinosaurs, trains, or princesses—can captivate their attention and kindle a passion for reading.

Let Children Create Their Books

Allowing children to author their narratives is a powerful tool in fostering their interest in reading. Encourage them to craft stories accompanied by drawings or simple text. This process empowers them to curate texts that resonate with their interests, fostering a sense of ownership over their reading experiences.

Beyond Books: Diverse Reading Material

Reading isn’t confined to traditional books alone. Explore poems, comics, magazines, and even online articles. Variety sparks curiosity and opens doors to different worlds.

Strategies for Success

Demonstrating to children that reading success is attainable bolsters their confidence and commitment to the endeavour. Equip them with strategies to navigate challenging texts, including decoding unfamiliar words and interpreting illustrations. Children feel empowered to overcome obstacles in their reading journey by instilling these skills.

The Power of Reading Aloud

Of all strategies, reading aloud to children emerges as particularly potent in igniting their passion for reading. While short stories are ideal for younger children, older ones may relish the immersive experience of chapter books. Engage them actively during reading sessions, fostering anticipation and curiosity about the unfolding narrative.

Making Reading a Family Affair

Lead by example and make reading a family tradition. Create cosy reading nooks, organize family book clubs, and share your favourite childhood stories. Let reading become a cherished family pastime.

Top Books for Your Classroom Library

Scholastic recommends the following titles for enriching your classroom or homeschool library, tailored for pre-K to grade 1 students. Involve children in selecting books, fostering a sense of ownership over their reading environment and cultivating their literary tastes:

Harnessing the Magic of Audiobooks

While often overlooked, audiobooks and storytelling represent invaluable tools for enhancing children’s reading skills. Yabe et al. (2018) highlight their potential to stimulate imagination, enrich vocabulary, and bolster communication skills. Children actively construct mental imagery by immersing themselves in stories, fostering a deeper engagement with the narrative. Whether through traditional storytelling or audio recordings, these activities offer unique avenues for nurturing a love for reading in children.

Storytelling for Engaged Minds

Encourage verbal storytelling to ignite imaginations. Whether recounting a favourite memory or inventing a fantastical tale, storytelling enhances language skills and sparks creativity.


1. How can I make reading enjoyable for my reluctant reader?

2. What if my child prefers screens over books?

3. Are audiobooks as beneficial as reading books?

4. How do I choose age-appropriate books for my child?

5. Should I be concerned if my child reads the same book repeatedly?

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