Test Tube Uses in the Laboratory

Let’s talk about test tubes. Those little glass tubes you probably remember from science class. They seem simple enough, just hollow glass cylinders with one end open and one end closed. But test tubes are like the unsung heroes of science. Unassuming as they may be, they play a huge role in research and experimentation. From mixing chemicals to holding samples, test tubes are a staple piece of equipment in labs across countless industries.

In this article, we’ll explore the myriad uses of test tubes and gain an appreciation for how these little tubes support big advancements in everything from medicine to food science.

What Is a Test Tube?

test tube

A test tube is a piece of glassware used in labs for holding and examining small amounts of liquid samples. They typically look like long, narrow tubes with rounded bottoms and an open top. Test tubes allow you to heat, cool, and mix chemicals in a controlled manner before analyzing them.

Test tubes are made of borosilicate glass, which can withstand high temperatures without cracking. This allows you to boil and chemically alter solutions directly in the tube. Test tubes come in a range of diameters and lengths to suit different experiments. Wider tubes hold larger volumes, while longer, narrower tubes give you more vertical space. The most common sizes are 18-mm x 150-mm.

Test tubes have many applications in the lab, from simple experiments in school science classes to complex analyses in professional research settings. They enable scientists to study how different chemicals interact, test unknown samples, and create controlled reactions.

What is the Classification of test tubes?

Test tubes come in a variety of materials for different uses. Glass test tubes are the most common and versatile. They can handle heat and chemicals without reacting and are easy to sterilize. Plastic test tubes are disposable, cheap and non-reactive but can melt with heat and chemicals. Metal test tubes are durable and can handle high temperatures but may react with some chemicals. Ceramic test tubes are inert and can resist chemicals but break easily and trap bacteria.

For most experiments, the classic glass test tube works perfectly. But for field work or when disposal and non-reactivity are priorities, plastic or metal could be better options. No matter the material, always handle test tubes with care and proper protection the contents could be hazardous! With the right precautions, test tubes of any material enable all kinds of discoveries in the lab.

Types of Test Tubes and Their Applications

Test tubes are one of the most fundamental pieces of equipment in any lab. They come in a variety of sizes and materials for different applications.

Culture Tubes

Used to culture cells, tissues and microorganisms. Typically made of borosilicate glass and available in a range of sizes from 5ml to 50ml.

Centrifuge Tubes

Thicker walled tubes designed to withstand the forces of centrifugation. Available in conical or round-bottomed shapes in a range of volumes. Used when separating components by density.

Reagent Bottles

Larger volume containers (typically 100ml to 2L) used to store bulk reagents, solutions and media. Made of borosilicate glass, polypropylene or polyethylene depending on the application.


Beakers are flat bottomed containers ideal for measuring, mixing and heating larger volumes of liquids. Borosilicate glass or plastic options from 50ml to 5L.

Erlenmeyer Flasks

Conical flasks ideal for culturing microorganisms and cells. The angled neck reduces splashing and allows easy access. Volumes from 25ml to 5L.

Volumetric Flasks

Precisely calibrated flasks for preparing standard solutions and dilutions. The narrow neck ensures a consistent fill volume. Available in glass or plastic from 10ml to 2L.

Graduated Cylinders

For measuring larger volumes of liquids. Typically made of borosilicate glass or plastic and available in sizes from 10ml to 2L with graduations for accurate measurement.


Glass or plastic pipettes for accurately measuring and transferring small volumes, typically between 0.1μl to 100ml. Used with a pipette filler or pipette pump. Disposable or reusable options available.

Test Tube Uses in the Lab

To explore chemicals and conduct experiments, test tubes are essential tools for any lab. Their main purpose is containing and heating samples. Some common uses for test tubes are:

Storing Chemicals and Solutions

Test tubes are ideal for storing small amounts of chemicals and solutions in the lab. Their narrow shape takes up little bench space, while still holding a useful volume. When storing liquids in test tubes, be sure to label each tube clearly with the name and concentration of the substance. Store test tubes upright in a test tube rack, or pack them securely in a test tube holder. Never store corrosive chemicals, volatile solvents (highly flammable liquids) or any material with a strong odor together with solutions that could be contaminated. Always segregate chemicals according to their hazard class.

Mixing and Measuring Reagents

Test tubes are essential tools for mixing and measuring reagents in the lab. You’ll want to select the appropriate size test tube for your needs. For small experiments, a basic 10 or 15 mL tube should suffice. For larger mixes, opt for a 50 mL tube. Carefully pour your reagents into the test tube using the marked measurements on the side as a guide. Swirl or gently shake the test tube to thoroughly combine the reagents.

When measuring out reagents, be extremely precise. Use a calibrated dropper or pipette to measure and deliver small amounts of liquids. For powdered reagents, carefully weigh out the proper amount on a laboratory balance according to your protocol. Record the exact amounts of reagents added to your test tube for reproducibility and reference. Keep the test tube racked and labeled for organization until you are ready to use it in your experiment. Proper measuring and mixing technique is key to success in the laboratory.

Performing Chemical Reactions

Performing chemical reactions in a test tube allows you to observe the reaction up close. First, gather the necessary equipment: test tubes, a test tube rack, reagents (chemicals), and any catalysts or indicators needed. Carefully pour the reagents into the test tube, usually in the order of solid reagents first, then liquids. Gently swirl or stir the test tube to mix the chemicals completely and activate the reaction.

Some indicators you may use are litmus paper to determine acidity or alkalinity, or universal indicator solution. You can also observe color changes, precipitation formation, gas production, temperature changes, or the emission of light to monitor the reaction. Make sure to record your observations and results. Test tubes permit you to view how chemicals behave and interact on a small, controlled scale.

Basic lab equipment like test tubes allows scientists and students to safely explore the world of chemistry through hands-on experimentation. By following the scientific method, you can discover how different chemicals join together or change to form new substances. Test tube reactions teach you practical skills used by chemists and set the foundation for more advanced work.

Holding Specimens

Test tubes are essential for holding and storing specimens in the lab. They come in a variety of sizes to accommodate anything from small tissue samples to larger cell cultures. The most common sizes are 18-mm x 150-mm. For the best results, choose a test tube made of borosilicate glass like Pyrex or Kimax. This high-quality glass can withstand extreme temperatures and is less reactive with chemicals. Plastic test tubes should only be used for short-term storage or non-critical purposes.

Once you have selected the proper test tube, make sure to label it clearly for identification and include details like the specimen type, date collected, and any specific characteristics. Proper labeling helps avoid confusion and ensures traceability of samples. Always handle test tubes with care to avoid breakage or spills.

When storing specimens in test tubes, consider factors like temperature, light exposure, and positioning. Upright racks keep tubes uniformly aligned, while angled racks take up less bench space. For long term storage, keep tubes in a refrigerator, incubator or freezer at the specimen’s optimal temperature.

With the right technique and storage conditions, test tubes provide a simple yet effective way to keep your specimens viable and organized in the lab. Following these best practices will help yield better results and a higher success rate with your experiments.

Heating and Cooling Samples

Test tubes can be used to heat and cool samples. To heat samples in test tubes, place the tubes in a boiling water bath or heating block. The boiling water will gently heat the samples to 100°C, while a heating block can reach higher, adjustable temperatures. For more precise control, use a hot plate with a test tube rack. Monitor the samples regularly and remove before overheating.

To cool samples, you have a few options. An ice water bath will cool samples to 0°C. For lower temperatures, add salt to the ice water. This creates an endothermic reaction that can reach -21°C. For more moderate cooling, a refrigerated water circulator lets you set and maintain an exact temperature. As samples cool, watch them closely since temperature changes can cause precipitation or crystallization.

Whether heating or cooling, ensure test tubes remain upright and securely fastened in a rack. Tubes that fall over could break or spill the sample, creating a hazardous mess. With the proper equipment and regular monitoring, test tube samples can be heated and cooled efficiently in a laboratory environment.

Culturing Cells and Microorganisms

Test tubes are used to culture cells and other microorganisms. Cell culturing involves growing cells outside of their normal biological environment, a process that can be challenging but rewarding when done properly. You’ll first need to gather some basic equipment: sterile test tubes, growth media, and cells or microorganisms to culture.

Once you have your supplies, follow these steps:

First, prepare the growth media and pour it into your test tubes. Growth media contains nutrients to feed the cells. Sterilize the media to remove any contaminants.

Next, add your cells or microorganisms to the test tubes and seal. Place in an incubator at the appropriate temperature for your cells. Most cells prefer 37°C, while bacteria and yeast grow well at lower temperatures.

Finally, regularly check on your cultures and replenish the media to provide fresh nutrients. Look for signs of growth like increased cell density or cloudiness in the media. Once the culture reaches the desired growth, you can use the cells for further experimentation or passaging into new test tubes to continue the culture.

Storing Small Amounts of Liquids or Solids

Test tubes are ideal for storing tiny samples of liquids or solids. Their narrow shape prevents too much air exposure while still allowing easy access. For liquids, fill the test tube only 2/3 full to leave room for expansion as temperatures change. Seal the open end with a rubber stopper or cork to prevent spills and evaporation.

For solids, the test tube’s narrow opening also helps contain the material while still permitting access with a spatula or scoop. Make sure not to overfill the test tube, allowing enough empty space for inserting and removing utensils. Seal the test tube as for liquids to keep out moisture and contaminants.

Label each test tube with its contents for quick identification. Include the item name, date filled and any hazards. Store test tubes upright in a rack, securing them in place to prevent tipping over. Keep away from direct heat or sunlight which could damage the contents. With proper sealing and storage, test tubes can keep small amounts of liquids or solids fresh for a long time.

Using Test Tubes for Titrations

Titration is a common laboratory technique used to determine the concentration of a substance in a solution. Test tubes are essential tools for titrations. You’ll add your analyte, the solution with an unknown concentration, to the test tube. Then, using a burette, you slowly drip a titrant with a known concentration into the test tube.

The titrant will react with the analyte, typically changing the color of the solution. You continue adding titrant dropwise until the solution changes color, indicating the reaction is complete. The amount of titrant needed to reach this endpoint allows you to calculate the concentration of the unknown solution.

Test tubes provide a contained vessel for the reaction to occur and are sized to fit under a burette. They must be very clean and dry to get an accurate titration. As you add titrant, swirl the test tube gently to mix the solutions and watch closely for a color change. The total volume of titrant added at the endpoint indicates the concentration of your unknown analyte.

Centrifuging Samples

Test tubes fit in centrifuges, which spin at high speeds to separate solutions into their components. This allows you to isolate compounds from mixtures. Test tubes are designed to withstand the forces generated by centrifuges and rotors. You can spin down solutions to separate components by density and isolate particles.


Test tubes have many uses in the lab, from storing and heating to mixing and centrifuging. Their simple yet versatile design makes them fundamental tools for scientific exploration and experimentation. Test tubes are essential tools for any lab. They are ideal for conducting experiments and procedures on a small scale.

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