Local Government Areas in Edo State

You probably don’t think much about local government if you live in Edo State, Nigeria. But you interact with the local government every day from the roads you drive on to the schools your kids attend to the regulations on that new business you want to open. Local government matters, especially at the local government area (LGA) level.

Edo State has several LGAs, each with its own local councils that handle a range of public services. Keep reading to learn about the history, demographics, economy, major towns, and more about local government in Edo State.

Overview of Edo State, Nigeria

Edo State is located in the southern part of Nigeria, in the region known as South-South geopolitical zone. The state was created on August 27, 1991 out of the former Bendel State. Benin City is the capital and largest city of Edo State. The state is made up of several Local Government Areas with a population of over 4 million people.

The state is home to many ethnic groups, including Bini, Esan, Owan, Etsako, Akoko Edo, Ora, Igueben, Ivbiosakon, and Itsekiri. The state has a predominantly Benin-speaking population and the major ethnic group is Edos. The official language is English while the major indigenous languages are Edo, Esan, Etsako, Ora, Okpe and Igueben.

Edo State has a youthful population, with over 60% under 30 years of age. This provides both opportunities and challenges for the economy and society. There is a need for job creation to meet the demands of this growing population.

The major religions are Christianity, Islam, and traditional indigenous beliefs. Benin City and surrounding areas are predominantly Christian, while the northern areas of the state have a higher percentage of Muslims. Many people still practice traditional rituals and festivals as well.

Edo state is blessed with agricultural produce like yams, cassava, rice, plantains, bananas, rubber and palm produce. The state also has mineral resources like limestone, clay, gold, granite, and crude oil. Some of the tourist attractions in the state include the Benin Moat, Benin National Museum, Ogba Zoo, Ise Lake, Ogbunike Cave etc.

The climate in Edo state is typically tropical with two distinct seasons, the dry and rainy seasons. The dry season lasts from December to March while the rainy season starts from April and ends in November. Temperature is usually on the high side all year round.

How Many Local Government Areas Are in Edo State?

Edo State has 18 Local Government Areas (LGAs) in total. These LGAs serve as an intermediate level of government administration between local communities and the state government. Each LGA in Edo state is made up of several towns and villages.

The 18 LGAs in Edo State are:

  1. Akoko-Edo
  2. Egor
  3. Esan Central
  4. Esan North-East
  5. Esan South-East
  6. Esan West
  7. Etsako Central
  8. Etsako East
  9. Etsako West
  10. Igueben
  11. Ikpoba-Okha
  12. Oredo
  13. Orhionmwon
  14. Ovia North-East
  15. Ovia South-West
  16. Owan East
  17. Owan West
  18. Uhunmwonde

Esan South-East

Esan South-East Local Government Area has its headquarters in Ubiaja town. Prominent towns in the LGA include Ubiaja, Oria, Onog-Holo, Okhu-Esan, Udo, Feku, Illushi, Emu, Eguare-Ewatto, Ewohimi, Ugboha, Okhodua, Orowa, Uroh and Inyenlen. The major occupation of the people is farming, the inhabitants are predominantly farmers who grow crops like yam, cassava, rice, plantain, cocoyam and vegetables.

Etsako Central

The headquarters of Etsako Central is Fugar Town. It has an area of 660 km² and a population of 94,575 in the 2006 census. Major towns in Etsako Central Local Government Area include Amughe, Ebelle, Ikpelli, Okeko, Okpekpe, Ukhomhedokhai, and Ukhomoduba. The people are predominantly farmers who grow food crops and also engage in fishing. The Local Government Area has tropical vegetation and a humid climate with two distinct seasons.

Esan West

Esan West Local Government Area has its headquarters in Ekpoma town. It has an area of 502 km². Other major towns include Ekpoma, Iruekpen, Ujemen, Idumebo, Ihumudumu, Uhiele, Emuhi, Ogwa, Ekhiro, Ukpenu, Ujoelen Eguare, Emaudo, Egoro Amede, Egoro Naoka, Ebhakuala, and Ukhun. The inhabitants are predominantly farmers who grow crops such as yams, cassava, cocoyam, maize, rice, plantain, and leafy vegetables.

Etsako East

Etsako East Local Government Area has Agenebode as its headquarters. It has an area of 1,133 km² and a population of 145,996 at the 2006 census. Major towns in the area include Auchi, Jattu, Agbede, Ughiole, Odighie, Egho, Ubiane, Iyamho, Iyuku, Ayogwiri, Apana, Iyora, and Afowa, Afashio. The inhabitants are predominantly farmers who grow crops such as yam, cassava, rice, plantain and vegetables. The area has tropical vegetation and climate with two distinct seasons

Ovia South-West

Ovia South-West is a Local Government Area with its administrative headquarters in Iguobazuwa. It has an area of 2,803km² and a population of 135,356 according to the 2006 census. The LGA is made up of several towns and villages which include Aghobahi, Igueze, Usen, Ugbogui, Ora, Udo among others. The major economic activities are farming and trading.

Owan East

Owan East is a Local Government Area with its administrative headquarters in Afuze. It has an area of 1,240 km2 and a population of 154,385 according to the 2006 census. The LGA comprises 69 towns and villages made up of 8 clans which include Afuze, Otou, Uokhai, Oviobumu, Ake, among others. The people are predominantly farmers. Crops grown include yams, cassava, plantains, cocoyam, and vegetables.

Owan West

Owan West is a Local Government Area with its administrative headquarters in Sabongida-Ora. It has an area of 732 km² and a population of 97,388 according to the 2006 census. The LGA is made up of several towns and villages which include Afuze, Eteye, Evbiamen, Evbianme Urule, Ogute, and Ojavun. The major economic activities are farming and trading. Crops grown include yams, cassava, plantains, cocoyam, rice, and vegetables.


Uhunmwonde is a Local Government Area with its administrative headquarters in Ehor. It has an area of 2,033km² and a population of 120,813 according to the 2006 census. The LGA comprises several towns and villages which include Obadan, Iguevbiahiamwen, Ogheghe, Igieduma, Ugiamwen, Igueuwangue, among others. The people are predominantly farmers and traders. Crops grown include yams, cassava, plantains, cocoyam, and vegetables.


Akoko-Edo is one of the local government areas in Edo State, Nigeria. It has its headquarters in Igarra town. The local government area is located in the northern part of Edo state and shares boundaries with Ondo state. It has an area of 1,371 km² and a population of 262,110 at the 2006 census. The economy of Akoko-Edo depends primarily on farming and the major crops cultivated are yams, cassava, maize, fruits, timber and cocoa.

Esan Central

Esan Central is a local government area in Edo State, Nigeria. It has its headquarters in Irrua town. The local government area is located in the central region of Edo state. Esan Central depends primarily on farming and the major crops cultivated are yams, cassava, rice, maize, fruits and cocoa.


Egor is a local government area in Edo State, Nigeria. It has its headquarters in the town of Uselu. Egor local government area is located in the southern part of Edo state. The economy of Egor depends primarily on farming, fishing and trading. The major crops cultivated are yams, cassava, maize, rice, plantains, coconut, oil palm and cocoa.

Esan North-East

Esan North-East is a local government area in Edo State, Nigeria. Its headquarters are in Uromi/Uzea. Esan North-East local government area is located in the northern part of Edo state. The economy of Esan North-East depends primarily on farming and the major crops cultivated are yams, cassava, rice, maize, fruits, timber and cocoa.


Located in the northern part of Edo State, Ikpoba-Okha has its headquarters in Idogbo. It is made up of several towns and villages, including Evbuomodu, Uwusan, Obazagbon, Agedo, Evbumufi, Etiosa, Obadoloviyeyi, Obenevbugo, Obe, Oghoghobi, Okha, Obanyantor, and others.


Further south, Oredo has its headquarters in Benin City, the capital of Edo State. Oredo contains much of metropolitan Benin City, including areas like Abiala, Egbaton, Ekehuan, Gelegele, Ibaro, Igbobi, Ikpako, Mikotowa, and others. It is a major commercial center in the state.


In the western part of the state, Orhionmwon has its headquarters in Abudu. It has an area of 2,382 km² and a population of 206,717 at the 2006 census. It contains several towns such as Idumodin, Ottah, Okuor, Edummungba, Egbhuru, Egbokor, Ugo, Urhonigbe, Igbanke, and others. Orhionmwon is a prominent agricultural region, producing crops like yams, cassava, plantains, and palm oil.

Ovia North-East

Ovia North-East has its headquarters in Okada. It includes Okada as well as towns and villages like Okada, Uhen, Utese, Okokhuo, Uhiere, Isiuwa, Ekiadolor, Oluku, Iguoshodin, Utoka, and Oghede. Ovia North-East is also an agricultural area, producing yams, cassava, cocoa, rubber and palm oil. Ovia North-East is home to the Igue festival, a prominent cultural event in the region.

Etsako West

With Auchi as its headquarters, Etsako West is known for the popular Auchi Polytechnic and has boundaries with Kogi State. Etsako West is made up of six clans: Uzairue, Auchi, South Ibie, Anwain, Jagbe and Aviele.


Igueben has its headquarters in Igueben town. It is a gateway into Edo state from Delta state. It has an area of 380 km2 (150 sq mi) . The local government area is rich in crude oil and gas. Major towns and villages in Igueben local government include Eguare, Oyomo, Afuda, Idumeka, Idumonka, Uhe, Egbiki, Ekekhen Idigun, Idumogbo, Idumedo, and others.

Which Local Government is the Largest in Edo State?

Orhionmwon local government area is the largest local government in Edo state. Covering a total land area of about 2,382 km2, almost double the size of many other LGAs in the state. Because of its vast size, Orhionmwon contains several towns and villages within its boundaries.

Due to its large size and many communities, Orhionmwon has a relatively high population. According to the 2006 census, Orhionmwon has a population of over 206,717 residents. The LGA is known for being an agricultural hub, with many farmers cultivating crops like yams, cassava, plantains, and cocoa. The fertile land and abundance of natural resources contribute to the overall economic development of Edo state.

Orhionmwon is located in the southern senatorial district of Edo state, bordering Delta state. The LGA headquarters is located in the town of Abudu, located about 60 kilometers from Benin City, the state capital. Several major roads run through Orhionmwon, linking it to other parts of Edo state and neighboring Delta state.

Challenges Facing Local Government in Edo State

As with any system of government, local governments in Edo State face their fair share of difficulties. Seven major challenges stand out:

  1. Poor funding is a significant obstacle. Local governments rely heavily on allocations from the state government, which are often inadequate and disbursed irregularly. This lack of financial autonomy hinders their ability to execute projects and pay staff salaries.
  2. Corruption and mismanagement of funds are rampant. Some local government officials divert public funds for personal use rather than spending them on community needs like infrastructure, healthcare, and education.
  3. Lack of qualified personnel is another issue. Many local governments lack knowledgeable and skilled workers to help develop and implement effective policies, manage resources, and deliver public services.
  4. Most local governments lack essential infrastructure like good road networks, communication systems, and transportation which hampers their operations and service delivery.
  5. Poverty and unemployment are widespread in local communities, putting pressure on local governments with limited resources. They struggle to create jobs and implement poverty alleviation programs.
  6. Insecurity has become a concern in some areas, negatively impacting local economic and social activities. Local governments are ill-equipped to handle security challenges on their own.
  7. There is a lack of grassroots participation in governance. Most people feel disconnected from local government activities and decision making. Local governments need to improve public engagement and accountability to communities.

With political will and prudent management, these challenges can be overcome to strengthen local governance in Edo State. But local governments cannot do it alone; they need the support and partnership of state and federal governments, non-profits, and local communities. Together, solutions can be found.

Frequently Asked Questions About Local Government in Edo

Have questions about how local government works in Edo state? Here are some common FAQs and quick answers:

How many local government areas are in Edo state?

Edo state has 18 local government areas. Some of the major ones are Benin City, Ekpoma, Uromi, Auchi, and Igarra.

What are the responsibilities of local governments?

Local governments in Edo state, like others in Nigeria, are responsible for basic infrastructure and services like:

How are local government chairmen elected?

Chairmen and councilors of local governments in Edo state are elected through a democratic process. Elections are held every 4 years, and registered voters in each LGA can vote for candidates of their choice to represent them.

How is local government funded?

Local governments receive funding from:

The goal is for local governments to become self-sustaining, relying more on IGR and less on allocations from higher levels of government.

Do local governments have autonomy?

Local governments in Edo state still have limited autonomy. Though democratic elections are held, the state government still maintains a level of control over local government affairs. Many are advocating for more autonomy and independence for local governments.

What is the structure of local government in Edo state?

Local governments in Edo operate under a chairman and councilors elected to represent various wards. The chairman heads the executive arm while councilors make up the legislative arm.


And there you have it, an overview of the 18 Local Government Areas in Edo State. Whether you live in a bustling city like Benin or a more rural community, local government impacts your daily life. So stay engaged with your LGA, attend community meetings when possible, and make your voice heard. The decisions made today will shape your hometown for years to come.

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