How to Bond With Your Puppy

How to Bond With Your Puppy

Building a trusting relationship may take some time when you bring a new puppy home. Learn the benefits of bonding with your puppy, plus tips and step-by-step instructions to help your puppy become your best friend.

Benefits of Bonding With Your Puppy

Building a trusting relationship with your puppy takes time and effort, but doing so will yield several benefits. Bonding can:

Allow You to Communicate With Your Puppy

Part of bonding with your dog is learning how they use body language to communicate needs, fears, and wants. This will help you meet your puppy’s needs so they do not resort to bad behaviour.

Help Your Dog Feel Secure

When young puppies know they can depend on their owners for protection and love, they are likelier to avoid anxious behaviours like barking, biting, and hiding. A trusting dog is also more likely to listen, play well with people and other animals, and enjoy new adventures.

Prevent Bad Behavior

The bond between a dog and a pet owner is essential for raising a well-behaved dog. If your puppy feels a sense of loyalty to you, they will aim to please you, meaning they will be more likely to follow commands and repeat the behaviour you reinforce.

Tips for Bonding With Your Puppy

Consider the following tips to help you bond with your puppy:

Be Patient

It is normal for your new puppy to feel uncomfortable in a new environment. Getting used to family members, other pets, and new surroundings can delay the bonding process, especially for certain dog breeds or rescue dogs. Rather than forcing any behaviour, monitor your puppy’s body language and avoid situations where they appear scared or annoyed.

Practice Hand-Feeding

If your dog is shy or anxious, get a fistful of dog food and let your dog eat directly from your hand. This communicates that you are a safe person, that you will provide for your dog, and that they can trust you.

Remain Consistent

Establishing boundaries with your puppy will deter bad behaviour and strengthen your bond. Ensure all family members know the rules for your puppy and enforce them consistently. If your puppy does not understand your expectations, it may feel confused and stop listening to you altogether.

Use Positive Reinforcement

Puppies want to please their owners and are more inclined to repeat positive behaviour if you reward them with their favourite game, treats, or verbal praise. This is more effective than yelling at your puppy for bad behaviour, which can undermine your bond because it causes confusion, fear, and distrust.

How to Bond With Your Puppy

Here’s how to bond with your puppy in four steps:

1. Devote Time to Bond

When you bring your puppy home for the first time, set up a comfortable environment with toys, treats, a crate, and a playpen. Make sure any accessible room is puppy-proof so that your new dog stays out of trouble. If you can, spend the first few days at home with your puppy to help ease them into the new environment.

2. Establish a Schedule

Dogs thrive when they know what you expect of them. They also like to know they can rely on you to care for their needs. Help your new puppy feel secure by setting times for feeding, potty breaks, playtime, and walks.

3. Include Your Puppy in Daily Activities

The more time and physical contact you share, the sooner your dog will become your best friend. Set up a playpen near you so you can be close to your puppy without constantly needing to supervise them. When you’re on the couch watching TV, let your puppy nap on you. Or include them in your exercise routine by bringing them on walks or hikes to promote socialization.

4. Start a Training Program

After your new puppy adjusts, teach them basic commands like sit, stay, and lay down. You can hire a dog trainer to help, but training your puppy yourself builds trust, respect, and understanding between you and your new best friend.

By following these steps and tips, you’ll create a strong, trusting relationship with your puppy that will lead to a lifetime of companionship and loyalty.


1. How long does it take to bond with a new puppy?

Bonding with a new puppy can take a few weeks to several months, depending on the puppy’s personality, breed, and previous experiences. Consistency, patience, and positive interactions will help speed up the bonding process.

2. What should I do if my puppy seems scared or anxious?

If your puppy seems scared or anxious, give it space and time to adjust. Create a safe and comfortable environment, and use positive reinforcement to build its confidence. Avoid forcing it into situations that cause fear.

3. How can I tell if my puppy is bonding with me?

Signs that your puppy is bonding with you include seeking your attention, following you around, showing excitement when you return home, and responding positively to your commands and affection.

4. Can older dogs bond with new owners?

Yes, older dogs can bond with new owners. While it might take more time and patience compared to bonding with a puppy, older dogs can develop strong, trusting relationships with their new families through consistent care, positive reinforcement, and love.

5. Is socialising my puppy with other dogs and people important?

Socializing your puppy with other dogs and people is crucial for their development. It helps them become well-adjusted, confident, and friendly adults. Start socializing your puppy in a controlled and positive manner once they have received their vaccinations.

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