How to Stop Obsessing Over Someone

How to Stop Obsessing Over Someone

Obsessing over someone can feel trapped in a whirlwind of thoughts that never seem to stop. It often begins innocently, perhaps with a flicker of interest or admiration. Yet, these thoughts spiral, consuming more and more of your time and energy. You might catch yourself endlessly scrolling through their social media, analyzing every detail of their life.

Initially, it might seem harmless, just a passing curiosity. But as these thoughts intensify, they can overshadow everything else in your life, affecting your mood, work, and relationships.

If this sounds familiar, it’s crucial to understand and address these obsessive thoughts before they take a toll on your mental well-being. Simply brushing them off isn’t enough; you must confront and unravel this obsession’s root. Seeking professional help may be necessary in some cases.

With the right guidance and support, you can regain control over your thoughts and redirect your focus towards more positive aspects of your life.

What It Means to Be Obsessed with Someone

Being obsessed with someone means that thoughts of them dominate your mind incessantly, leaving little room for anything else. While it’s natural to think about someone you care about, obsession goes beyond occasional thoughts. It becomes intrusive and overwhelming, affecting your daily life and functioning.

Obsession can manifest in various ways. For some, it involves constantly checking their social media or analyzing every interaction with the person. In extreme cases, it may lead to behaviours that disrupt your life or invade the other person’s boundaries.

It’s important to differentiate between healthy thoughts about someone and obsessive ones. Healthy thoughts allow for a balanced perspective, while obsession consumes and disrupts your life.

The Impact of Obsession on Mental Health

Obsession, especially when it revolves around another person, can have profound effects on your mental health. Not only does it harm you, but it can also lead to behaviours that make the other person uncomfortable or even fearful.

Here are some ways obsession can impact your mental health:

Inducing Anxiety and Stress

Obsessive thoughts often trigger intense anxiety. You may constantly worry about the other person’s actions, thoughts, or feelings. This persistent worry can lead to stress, affecting your mental and physical well-being.

Impacting Your Self-Esteem

Constantly obsessing over someone can distort your self-perception. You may begin comparing yourself unfavourably to them or others in their life, leading to feelings of inadequacy and lowering your self-esteem.

Disrupting Your Daily Life

When your thoughts are consumed by someone else, it becomes challenging to focus on yourself and your responsibilities. You may neglect important aspects of your life, such as relationships, work, or self-care routines.

Impacting Existing Relationships

Your obsession can strain your relationships with friends, family, and colleagues. You may find yourself withdrawing from these connections or incessantly talking about your obsession, leading to tension and strain.

Mood Swings

Being obsessed with someone often results in mood swings. Your emotions may fluctuate depending on the other person’s actions, leaving you feeling ecstatic when they pay attention to you and devastated when they don’t.

This emotional rollercoaster can be draining for you and those around you who are affected by your volatile emotions.

Breaking free from obsessive thoughts requires acknowledging and addressing the underlying issues. With patience, support, and self-reflection, you can regain control over your thoughts and lead a more balanced life.

Practical Techniques to Manage Obsessive Thoughts

Acknowledge the Thoughts: Recognize and accept your obsessive thoughts without judgment.

Distract Yourself: Engage in activities that keep your mind occupied and away from negative thoughts.

Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries to prevent behaviours that fuel obsession, such as excessive social media stalking.

Journal: Writing down your thoughts can help you process and understand them better.

Seek Support: Don’t hesitate to contact trusted friends or family for perspective and support.

Root Causes of Obsession

Obsession over someone can stem from various triggers, often rooted in personal emotions and experiences. Here are some common factors that may contribute to feeling obsessed with another person:

Seeking Connection and Fulfillment

Feelings of loneliness or a desire for connection can fuel obsession. When you feel disconnected or lacking in your life, encountering someone who captivates you emotionally can trigger obsessive thoughts as you yearn for that connection.

Fascination and Romantic Interest

Meeting someone who piques your interest or with whom you share romantic feelings can spark obsession. Their unique qualities or the chemistry you feel may intensify your fixation on them, constantly driving you to think about them.

Idealization and Comparison

Obsession can arise from idealizing someone, perceiving them as having qualities or a life you admire or desire. Comparing yourself to them and feeling inadequate can further fuel obsession as you strive to emulate or attain what you perceive they have.

Fear and Insecurity

Fear of rejection or abandonment can amplify obsessive thoughts about a person. Seeking reassurance or security in your relationship with them may lead to constant preoccupation as you try alleviating your fears.

Unresolved Trauma and Emotional Needs

Past experiences of trauma or unmet emotional needs can manifest as an obsession with someone who symbolizes healing or fulfilment. Believing that the person can fix or validate you, or vice versa, may drive obsessive thoughts and behaviours.

Signs of Obsession

Identifying when your thoughts have crossed from genuine interest to obsession is crucial for maintaining emotional balance. Here are some indicators that your feelings may have become obsessive:

Persistent Thoughts

If the person’s thoughts consume your mind incessantly, distracting you from daily tasks and responsibilities, it may indicate obsession.

Excessive Social Media Monitoring

Regularly checking a person’s social media profiles for updates or information about their activities can be a sign of obsession, especially if it interferes with your life.

Jealousy and Possessiveness

Feeling intense jealousy or possessiveness when interacting with others may signal obsession, particularly if these feelings are irrational or all-consuming.


Neglecting your needs, interests, and well-being because of your focus on the person is a red flag for obsession. This could include sacrificing sleep, skipping meals, or neglecting hobbies.

Withdrawal from Relationships

Ignoring or neglecting relationships with friends and family in favour of your fixation on the person is indicative of obsession, as it demonstrates a prioritization of one individual over others.

Intrusive Fantasies

Spending excessive time fantasizing about a future with the person, even when these fantasies are unrealistic, may indicate obsessive tendencies.

Compulsive Behaviour

Engaging in compulsive behaviours such as repeatedly contacting the person, driving by their home, or re-reading past communications can suggest obsession, especially if these actions feel out of control.

Strategies to Foster Healthy Coping Mechanisms

Stay Physically Active: Exercise releases endorphins, which improve mood and reduce stress.

Maintain a Balanced Diet: Eating nutritious food boosts energy levels and positively affects mood.

Establish a Routine: Daily routines provide stability and keep you focused on your own life.

Limit Social Media Use: Reduce exposure to triggers by setting boundaries on social media usage.

Connect with Others: Spend time with loved ones for emotional support and distraction.

Engage in Creative Activities: Creative outlets offer a therapeutic way to express emotions and distract from obsessive thoughts.


Obsessive thoughts about someone can take a toll on your mental health and overall well-being. By understanding the root causes, recognizing the signs, and adopting practical techniques to manage these thoughts, you can regain control of your life and focus on what truly matters.


Q: Can obsession with someone be normal?

A: It’s normal to have strong feelings for someone, but when these feelings become overwhelming and disruptive, it’s essential to address them.

Q: What if I’ve tried these techniques and still can’t stop obsessing?

A: Consider seeking professional help from a therapist who can provide guidance and support tailored to your specific situation.

Q: Is it possible to overcome obsession on my own?

A: While self-help strategies can be effective for some, seeking support from friends, family, or a therapist can greatly enhance your chances of success.

Q: How long does it take to stop obsessing over someone?

A: There’s no set timeline as it varies for each individual. With persistence and patience, you can gradually reduce obsessive thoughts over time.

Q: Are there any warning signs that my obsession is becoming unhealthy?

A: If your obsession begins to interfere significantly with your daily life, relationships, or mental health, it’s crucial to seek professional help.

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