10 Simple Ways to Remove a Fish Bone Stuck in Your Throat

Ways to Remove a Fish Bone Stuck in Your Throat

A fish bone stuck in the throat can be an uncomfortable and sometimes alarming experience. However, several simple and effective methods exist to dislodge it safely at home. This article will guide you through ten easy techniques to help remove a fishbone from your throat so you can feel comfortable quickly.

Having a fishbone stuck in your throat can feel like a serious problem, but it’s usually a minor issue that can be resolved with simple home remedies. The sensation of a bone in your throat can mimic lumping, and while it’s often just uncomfortable, in more severe cases, it might cause difficulty swallowing or breathing. Before rushing to the doctor, try these ten effective methods to remove a fish bone from your throat.

How to remove a fishbone from your throat

Some home remedies for a fish bone in your throat include:

1. Eat a Banana

A banana can be a lifesaver when dislodging a fish bone. The soft texture of a banana helps it slide down your throat easily, potentially catching the fish bone on its way down and pushing it into your stomach, where gastric acids will dissolve it.

2. Cough Forcefully

Your body’s natural defence against foreign objects in the throat is to cough. Coughing creates a strong burst of air that can help dislodge a fish bone. So, when you feel the bone, allow yourself to cough forcefully. This could provide immediate relief.

3. Eat Moistened Bread or Cooked Rice

Soak a piece of bread in milk, then squeeze and roll it into a small ball before swallowing it whole. This method works because the fishbone can stick to the moistened bread, helping to push it into your stomach. Similarly, well-cooked rice can be effective because it’s soft and sticky, making it easier for the bone to adhere to.

4. Drink Olive Oil

Olive oil is a natural lubricant. Drinking a small shot of olive oil can help hydrate the lining of your throat and stimulate the natural movements of your oesophagus to push the bone out. If drinking pure olive oil is too unpleasant, try mixing it with water.

5. Drink Something Acidic

Consuming an acidic drink like vinegar, water, or soda can help to soften a fish bone. The acid dissolves very fine bones, making them easier to swallow. This method is particularly useful for small, sharp bones.

6. Wait for It to Pass on Its Own

Sometimes, discomfort isn’t the fish bone but irritation from where it was temporarily lodged. Waiting a few hours might help you determine whether the bone is still there or if the sensation is due to mild tissue damage that will heal on its own.

7. Eat a Marshmallow

Marshmallows are not only delicious but also effective in dislodging a fish bone. The sticky texture can help the bone adhere to it during swallowing. Chew a marshmallow until it’s moistened but still substantial, then swallow it to help push the bone down.

8. Drink a Thick Milkshake or Smoothie

A thick drink, such as a milkshake or smoothie, can help push the fish bone down the throat, especially if you gulp it forcefully. The cold temperature of these drinks can also soothe any irritation caused by the bone.

9. Gargle Warm Salt Water

Gargling warm salt water can be very effective if the fish bone is stuck in the upper part of your throat. The salt water helps to reduce inflammation, and the gargling action can dislodge the bone. Mix one teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water, gargle for 30 seconds, and spit it out.

10. Eat Dry Crackers

Eating dry crackers might sound counterintuitive, but the rough texture can help scrape the fish bone off the throat as you swallow. Chew them enough to be safe but substantial enough to help dislodge the bone. Keep water handy to help wash down the crackers.

What You Should Not Do

Avoid scraping your throat with utensils or your fingers. This can cause more harm, leading to wounds or increasing the risk of infection. Removing the fishbone this way can be particularly dangerous if it is not visible.

When to Go to the Doctor

Most fishbone incidents can be handled at home, but you should seek medical attention immediately if you experience severe pain, heavy bleeding, or difficulty breathing. In such cases, doctors can remove the fish bone using special tools; in rare instances, minor surgery might be necessary.


A fishbone stuck in your throat can be distressing, but with these simple home remedies, you can often resolve the issue quickly and safely. Remember to stay calm, try these techniques, and seek medical help.


1. What if the fishbone doesn’t come out after trying these methods?

If the fishbone remains stuck after trying these home remedies, seeking medical attention is important to prevent further complications.

2. Can a fish bone cause an infection if left untreated?

Yes, a fishbone that remains lodged in the throat can cause infection, leading to more serious health issues.

3. Do I avoid any foods after dislodging a fish bone?

After dislodging a fish bone, avoiding hard or sharp foods that might irritate the throat further is best.

4. Can children try these remedies?

Yes, but always supervise children closely and opt for the safest methods, such as eating a banana or drinking a thick milkshake.

5. How long should I wait before seeing a doctor if the bone doesn’t come?

If the bone hasn’t dislodged after a few hours and you’re experiencing significant discomfort, it’s wise to consult a doctor.

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