5 Healthy Ways to Deal With Negative Thoughts

Ways to Deal With Negative Thoughts

Negative thoughts hinder us from achieving our dreams or living our desired life. They produce mental health challenges like self-doubt, fear, anxiety, depression, and even suicide. Despite knowing how these thoughts affect us emotionally, physically, and financially, we find it difficult to rise above them and get easily scared of them.

Here’s the good news! In this post, I have highlighted five effective methods anyone can apply to deal with negative thoughts. That way, you can find new love, speak confidently in public, secure that post, attend that pool party, and do much more than you could ever imagine.

Negative thoughts are part of our lives. They can pop up unexpectedly and take control of our minds, leading to feelings of anxiety, depression, and self-doubt. But what if we could manage these thoughts effectively and prevent them from dominating our lives? This article will explore five proven methods to deal with negative thoughts, enabling you to lead a happier and more fulfilling life.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Challenging Automatic Negative Thoughts

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a popular therapy used to challenge Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs)—those pervasive negative thoughts that seem to be ingrained in our subconscious minds. If you struggle with anxiety, depression, and severe self-doubt, you likely experience these automated negative thoughts regularly.

How CBT Works

CBT helps you identify and challenge negative thoughts. By recognizing the patterns and triggers that lead to them, you can learn to reframe them in a more positive and realistic light. This process involves various techniques, such as journaling, cognitive restructuring, and exposure therapy, all of which aim to break the cycle of negative thinking.

The Impact of CBT

By practising CBT, you can start to bulldoze these thoughts from your subconscious mind, allowing you to live a more normal and fulfilling life. With consistent practice, CBT can significantly reduce the impact of negative thoughts on your mental health.

Visualize Your Thoughts as Floating Objects

A New Perspective on Negative Thoughts

Imagine you are heading home after work, and suddenly, the wind blows. Do you stand there focusing on the balloon, the nylons, and the waste that flies around in the air? No, you don’t—because you know it’s a waste of time. Similarly, visualize your negative thoughts as objects floating in the sky, moving in whatever direction the wind blows them.

The Power of Detachment

By viewing your negative thoughts as transient, floating objects, you can detach from them. This visualization technique helps you understand that these thoughts do not define you and that they will pass with time. It’s about not letting them capture your attention or dictate your emotions.

Practicing Visualization

Next time a negative thought arises, take a deep breath and imagine it as a floating object. Watch it drift away, and remind yourself that you control where you focus your attention.

Share Your Thoughts with Someone

The Importance of Sharing

When I was battling extreme social anxiety and couldn’t control my negative thoughts, I sought the help of a mental health therapist. By sharing how these thoughts affected me, I felt relieved. This experience taught me the importance of not keeping negative thoughts to ourselves.

Therapeutic Benefits

Talking about your negative thoughts with a friend, family member, or therapist can provide immense relief. It helps you gain a new perspective and reduces the burden you carry. Sometimes, just voicing your worries can make them seem less daunting.

Building a Support System

Your support system can offer valuable insights and challenge negative thoughts, helping you see things differently. They can also provide encouragement and reassurance as you work through your challenges.

Act Deaf

A Simple Yet Effective Strategy

It doesn’t matter whether you are an actor—get on that stage and act deaf. Whenever bad thoughts pop up in your mind, act like you don’t hear them. This might sound simplistic, but it’s a powerful technique.

Ignoring the Noise

You deprive them of their power by ignoring negative thoughts as if they were background noise. It’s about refusing to engage with these thoughts and not allowing them to affect your mood or actions.

Practice Makes Perfect

This method takes practice. Start by identifying the negative thoughts, then consciously decide to ignore them. Over time, you’ll find it easier to dismiss these thoughts and focus on more positive aspects of your life.

Do Something That You Love

Finding Joy in Activities

Engaging in activities that you love is another effective way to manage negative thoughts. As a music lover, I often listen to my favourite songs when feeling down. This simple act can transform my mood and help me envision positive scenarios.

The Distraction Technique

When you immerse yourself in something you enjoy, you distract yourself from negative thoughts. Whether reading, painting, cooking, or playing a sport, find what brings you joy and make it a regular part of your routine.

The Power of Positive Engagement

Engaging in activities you love distracts you from negative thoughts and fills your mind with positive emotions and experiences. It’s a way to remind yourself of the good things in life and focus on what makes you happy.


Negative thoughts are inevitable, but they don’t have to control your life. By implementing these five proven methods—Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, visualizing your thoughts as floating objects, sharing your thoughts with someone, acting deaf, and doing something you love—you can effectively manage and reduce the impact of negative thinking. Remember, you can change your thought patterns and lead a more positive and fulfilling life.


1. What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)?

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy that helps individuals identify and challenge negative thought patterns and behaviours, replacing them with more positive and realistic ones.

2. How can visualizing thoughts as floating objects help with negative thinking?

Visualizing negative thoughts as floating objects helps create a sense of detachment, making it easier to let go of these thoughts and preventing them from dominating your mind.

3. Why is it important to share negative thoughts with someone?

Sharing negative thoughts with a friend, family member, or therapist can provide relief, new perspectives, and support, making coping with and overcoming these thoughts easier.

4. How does acting deaf help with negative thoughts?

Acting deaf to negative thoughts involves ignoring them and not engaging with them, which reduces their power and influence over your emotions and actions.

5. What are some activities that can help distract from negative thoughts?

Engaging in activities you love, such as listening to music, reading, painting, cooking, or playing sports, can provide positive distraction and help improve your mood.

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