How to Trim Your Dog’s Nails

How to Trim Your Dog's Nails

Nail trims are an important part of your dog’s basic grooming needs. For many dog owners, the idea of trimming their dogs’ nails is followed by a feeling of trepidation. Many dogs also dislike nail trims.

Dog nails are constantly growing, just like human nails. Some dogs wear down their nails naturally from walking on pavement, gravel, or concrete. However, most dogs today live indoors and don’t spend enough time on these surfaces to keep their nails short, especially small dogs.

Some dogs’ nails will curl under and grow into the foot pads if left to grow. This leads to painful sores and infections. Even if they do not curl under, long nails can make walking difficult, especially on slick surfaces, difficult for dogs. Finally, long nails can easily get caught on something and partially torn off or split. This is very painful for your dog.

Before You Begin

Find a comfortable place for you and your dog to get set up before you begin the nail trim.

Types of Nail Trimmers

There are several styles of nail trimmers available. The right choice depends on the size of your dog’s nails and your preference.

Plier-Style Trimmers

These are spring-loaded, and the mechanism resembles that of garden pruners. The small/medium trimmers are great for small and medium-size nails. The large size typically works well on all nail sizes except the very small ones (they can leave the ends of small nails frayed). These are easy to use and tend to stay sharp for a long time, but the blades are not replaceable.

Guillotine Trimmers

This has an internal blade and a hole to line up the nail. When the handle is squeezed, the blade trims the nail, like an upside-down guillotine. Many beginners find this type of trimmer very easy to use. The internal blade on guillotine trimmers can be replaced when it becomes dull. Guillotine trimmers work best for small to medium size nails. They are not ideal for very large or very small nails.

Scissor Trimmers

These trimmers work just like a pair of scissors. Rather than a flat cutting surface, they have a curved blade to cut the round nail. Line up the blade with the nail at the appropriate spot and cut. These trimmers are only useful for smaller nails, as they are typically not strong enough for larger nails.

What You’ll Need

Equipment / Tools


Examining the Dog’s Nail

A dog’s nail consists of a hard outer shell and a soft cuticle in the centre consisting of nerve and blood vessels. The cuticle is typically called the “quick” of the nail. If the quick is cut, the nail will bleed, and the dog will feel pain.

The quick is easy to see on light-coloured nails. However, many dogs have black or darker-coloured nails, making it impossible to see the quick. The nail anatomy is still the same. The best place to cut is quickly two to three millimetres from the nail.

Positioning Your Dog

You can begin cutting the nails once you are in a good position. Grasp your dog’s paw firmly but without squeezing. Hold the trimmers with your dominant hand and grasp the paw with your other hand.

How to Trim the Nails

Place your thumb on the bottom of the footpad and your fingers on the top of the foot near the nail bed. Line up your trimmers by placing the blade’s edge upon the nail at the imaginary “cut line.” Squeeze the trimmers in one swift, deliberate motion. Avoid cutting if the dog is moving. Continue until all nails are clipped.

Handling Bleeding

If your dog yelps in pain and the nail bleeds, you have cut into the nail quickly. This means the blood vessels and nerves within the nail have been severed. Don’t panic; this is not an emergency.

Grab your styptic powder, or use some cornstarch or flour if you don’t have styptic powder. Use a cotton ball, tissue, or paper towel to remove as much blood as possible. Get a pinch of the powder and quickly pack it onto the nail tip. Give your dog a break and reward before moving on to the other nails. Though cutting into the quick does cause sharp pain, it is not long-lasting and should not affect your dog’s ability to walk.

Preventing Problems

Some dogs will not stay still for nail trims, even with extra people helping. You can try working with your dog to gradually desensitize it to the trims. Reward the dog if it tolerates minimal paw handling, then gradually work your way up to nail trims. Alternatively, dog scratch pads can be used to help keep nails trimmed with less clipping.

Desensitizing Your Dog

To desensitize your dog to nail trims, start by handling their paws gently and rewarding them for staying calm. Gradually increase the handling duration and introduce the nail trimmers without cutting. Reward your dog for tolerating each step.

When to Seek Professional Help

If your dog is trying to bite you or fighting so hard that it could injure you or itself, then the nail trim is best left to the professionals. Fortunately, most vet offices and groomers charge a minimal fee for basic nail trims. In extreme cases, sedation may be needed to trim nails.


Trimming your dog’s nails can seem daunting, but it becomes manageable with the right tools, techniques, and a little patience. Regular nail trims are crucial for your dog’s comfort and health. Don’t hesitate to seek professional help if you find it too challenging.


1. How often should I trim my dog’s nails?

It depends on your dog’s activity level and nail growth rate, but it is typically recommended every 3-4 weeks.

2. What if my dog hates having their nails trimmed?

Try desensitizing them gradually with positive reinforcement. If this doesn’t work, consult a professional groomer or vet.

3. Can I use human nail clippers on my dog?

It’s best to use dog-specific nail trimmers, as they are designed for the shape and thickness of dog nails.

4. What if I accidentally cut the quick?

Apply styptic powder or cornstarch to stop the bleeding. Give your dog a break, and be more cautious with the next nail.

5. Are there alternatives to clipping my dog’s nails?

Yes, you can use a nail file or rotary tool to grind the nails down or scratch pads to help them wear down naturally.

By following these guidelines and tips, you can ensure that nail trimming is a stress-free and safe experience for both you and your dog.

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