How Does Screen Time Affect Our Health?

How does screen time affect our health?

Most of us can no longer imagine a life without a smartphone. We can spend hours in front of a screen without even realizing it. But how much screen time is safe, and what can we do to avoid exceeding this time?

Whether at work or home, screens—from tablets and computers to mobile phones—have become integral to our daily lives. We now read the news online, connect with friends and loved ones through social media and apps, and stream movies online—all of which involve looking at a screen. Currently, teenagers spend an average of 3 hours and 47 minutes on their phones daily. This doesn’t include any additional time spent in front of a TV or computer.

Screen Time: How Much Time Do We Spend in Front of a Screen?

It’s almost impossible to escape screen time in today’s digital age. We use screens for work, communication, entertainment, and even learning. The convenience of having everything at our fingertips is undeniable, but it comes at a cost. On average, adults spend about 11 hours per day interacting with media, and this number is steadily increasing.

How Does All That Screen Time Affect Our Health?

Excessive screen time has numerous effects on both our physical and mental health. Let’s delve into these impacts and understand how our screen habits can be detrimental.

Physical Effects

The Link Between Screen Time and Weight Gain

Chatting or working on a device usually involves sitting in front of a computer or lounging on a sofa, leading to minimal physical activity. This sedentary lifestyle is strongly linked to weight gain and obesity. The correlation between screen time and body weight has been extensively investigated, and it is now considered established fact that spending too much time in front of a screen is associated with weight gain.

Head, Neck, and Back Pain

Spending long hours in front of a screen can lead to poor posture, resulting in head, neck, and back pain. Prolonged screen usage also strains our eyes, leading to discomfort and fatigue.

Eye Strain and Computer Vision Syndrome

Humans blink about 10 to 15 times a minute, and every time the eyelid comes down, it moistens the surface of the eye with tear fluid. This process is crucial for eye health. However, when staring intently at a screen, we often forget to blink, leading to what is known as computer vision syndrome. Symptoms include red eyes, a sensation of a foreign body in the eye, burning eyes, flickering vision, tired eyes, and watering eyes.

Mental Health Effects

The Impact on Sleep and Irritability

The high levels of blue light emitted by electronic devices keep us awake at night and can lead to sleep problems over time. One of the first symptoms of a lack of sleep is irritability. Poor sleep quality can affect our mood, productivity, and overall well-being.

Hyperactivity and Attention Spans

Several studies have shown a link between hyperactivity and excessive media consumption. Too much screen time can also lead to short attention spans and difficulty concentrating. There has been a marked increase in short attention spans and hyperactivity since the start of the pandemic.

Risk of Internet Addiction

In extreme cases, excessive screen time can lead to internet addiction. This addiction can disrupt daily life, affecting work, relationships, and mental health. It’s crucial to recognize the signs of internet addiction early and take steps to manage it.

Protecting Your Eyes from Digital Devices

Hazards of Excessive Blue Light

The blue light emitted by phones, TVs, tablets, and computers can harm our eyes’ health. Large amounts of blue light entering the cornea unhindered can inflate the macula (macular oedema). This can cause macular degeneration, leading to irreversible damage to the most important part of the retina and permanent loss of sharp vision.

Tips to Protect Your Eyes from Blue Light

Limiting Your Screen Time

Using Smartphone Features to Reduce Screen Time

Most smartphones offer various options for reducing screen time. One feature is to set “Downtimes” during which you can only be reached by selected contacts. Another is to enter time limits for specific apps, notifying you once you have reached the usage limit you selected for that app. The app will then automatically be blocked unless you extend the time limit. This can have a positive impact even if you don’t end up keeping to your limits, as it will give you a better sense of how much time you are spending on these apps.

Reducing Notifications and Bedroom Ban

Practicing Digital Detox

Give yourself a break and unplug from all digital media for a while. This could be an hour, a day, or an entire month—whatever your circumstances permit (work, family, etc.) and depending on your personal goals. It might take a bit of effort at first to stop yourself from picking up your phone. However, it won’t take long before you start being surprised about all the extra time you’ve suddenly got—and start loving it.


In conclusion, while screens have become an essential part of modern life, it is crucial to manage screen time effectively to protect both our physical and mental health. By understanding the risks associated with excessive screen time and implementing strategies to mitigate these risks, we can enjoy the benefits of technology without compromising our well-being.


1. How much screen time is considered healthy?

The general recommendation is to limit recreational screen time to no more than two hours per day for adults and one hour per day for children.

2. Can excessive screen time cause permanent eye damage?

Yes, prolonged exposure to blue light from screens can lead to conditions such as macular degeneration, which can cause permanent loss of vision.

3. How can I reduce eye strain from screen use?

Taking regular breaks, using blue light filters, and ensuring proper lighting in your workspace can help reduce eye strain.

4. What are some signs of internet addiction?

Signs of internet addiction include excessive use of the internet, neglect of personal and professional responsibilities, and withdrawal symptoms when not using the internet.

5. How does screen time affect children’s mental health?

Excessive screen time can lead to issues such as decreased attention span, hyperactivity, and sleep problems, which can affect children’s overall mental health.

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