Challenges and Solutions of Being a Single Parent

Being a Single Parent

Being a single parent is not always a choice. In most cases, it is fate. It comes with its share of fun and challenges. The difficulties of single parenting can plague an individual, sapping them of their energy, confidence, and happiness.

Single parents’ problems include adapting to a drop in income, a compromised lifestyle, and even a change in house or neighbourhood. The challenges of single parenting, especially being a single mother, are overwhelming. It requires a single parent to combine the roles of two people with raising the children and running the house.

The parenting problems surpass the rewards, making it the most challenging situation for any parent. The single parenting challenges differ for both males and females, worsened by including children in the mix. Death, divorce, and separation rob parents of the joys of companionship and sharing of responsibilities.

Here are a few single parenting issues and single parent’s struggles, along with some tips and solutions to single parenting.

1. Loneliness

Dealing with Emotional Gaps

You have to deal with the loss of a partner and the gap they left in your life. One of the challenges of single parenthood is that there is no one to offer a shoulder to lean on. There is a part that your partner solely plays in your life – Emotional fulfilment.

The grass isn’t greener on the other side, either. It is also emotionally challenging when your partner has to live with the kids. And you have to come back to an empty house; this drains you emotionally. Who will run to you after work? The reality of all the memories of the good moments you shared with your spouse and the children dawns on you.


Replace negative thoughts in your mind with positive thinking to give you room to find yourself for the benefit of the children. Redirect your energy to more productive activities. If you are in the custody of the children, spend time with them. Remember, they look up to you for their emotional needs. Similarly, the partner with no children must go the extra mile to socialize and engage in community activities to pass the time rather than wallow in pity.

2. Instilling Discipline in Children

Balancing Love and Discipline

Single parenting is full of challenges. A partner with children may find it difficult to instil discipline. Because of the emotional stress, some of the children engage in truant activities to get both parents’ attention.

Being a single mother can leave you wondering how to navigate the unknown avenues of single parenting. One of the problems faced by single mothers is a lack of discipline. Such struggles of being a single parent often deplete the parent of all energy to pursue their interests. Children may also give a solo parent an emotionally tough time, especially when they realize you do not communicate with your partner. They give you parallel information for their selfish interests. You need to brace yourself for these single-parent issues and not let single-parent stress crush your spirit.

Another downside of single parenting is financial responsibility. The extra financial burden may also limit your time with them; children left alone with no proper guidance may develop defiant behaviour, inhibiting a single parent’s disciplinary measures.


Before the divorce, set boundaries and agree on the best way to handle discipline and co-parenting. Regularly communicate with your partner to teach discipline to the children before you fail to instil the right morals. Being a single parent due to your spouse’s death can come with additional responsibilities. But don’t let the challenges of being a single parent exhaust you. After the death of a spouse, a single parent can engage their extended family to act as an authority figure to counter the absence of the other parent. This is only effective when there is a close tie over time. Relationship counsellors and psychologists also come in handy to deal with emotional instability in children that brews indiscipline as an after-effect of single parenting.

3. Low Self-Esteem

Facing Societal Judgement

One of the problems single parents face in society is bearing the brunt of harsh societal judgment. Sometimes, society judges separated spouses instead of giving them the right support at this time. Negative family members and friends give them a hard time coping with the situation, making them have self-doubt and low confidence as single parents.


Surround yourself with people who believe in you and understand your predicament without any judgment. Single parenting can be daunting. Engage in activities that build your confidence and get rid of self-doubt. Engage in activities that will help you regain your lost sense of self-worth.

4. A Sense of Guilt

Handling Unanswered Questions

It is common for single parents to go on a guilt trip after a bitter divorce. Single parenting poses several questions in the mind of an estranged spouse. What if I could have been patient with my spouse? How will the children judge me when they grow old? How come I have lost friends after the separation?

These unanswered questions of single parenting rob your innocence and only add to the difficulties of single parenting.


Trying to look at your fault and self-blame is not healthy for single parents. Accept the situation and be confident you made the right decision to look at the positive angle of the situation to forge ahead.

5. Financial Burden

Managing Financial Responsibilities

In a close family unit, each partner had a financial role in meeting monetary obligations. You may be in agreement on how to manage your finances, but the fact that you have to run two houses with the same finances is an uphill task. Overbearing financial responsibilities are the most frustrating challenge for single parents.


You are now on your own; you have to spend more hours at work to meet all your financial needs. If you have children, sit down with them, and agree on how to cut back on some of the luxuries so that you do not strain too much on trying to maintain the lifestyle at the expense of spending time with them-they need your presence at this trying time. The faster you accept your situation as a single parent and adjust, the better it is for you and the children. You will heal faster if you allow a new partner in your life.


Becoming a single parent comes with its trials and triumphs. Single parenting doesn’t need to be a tumultuous experience. With persistent efforts and steely resolve, you can surely turn single parenting into a positive life experience.


1. How can a single parent overcome loneliness?

A single parent can overcome loneliness by engaging in community activities, spending time with their children, and building a support network of friends and family.

2. What are some effective ways to instill discipline in children as a single parent?

Effective ways to instil discipline include setting clear boundaries, communicating regularly with the co-parent (if possible), and seeking help from extended family or counsellors.

3. How can single parents deal with societal judgment?

Single parents can deal with societal judgment by surrounding themselves with supportive people, focusing on their self-worth, and engaging in confidence-building activities.

4. What strategies can single parents use to manage financial burdens?

Strategies include working extra hours, cutting back on luxuries, involving children in financial decisions, and seeking financial advice or assistance.

5. How can single parents handle feelings of guilt after a divorce or separation?

Single parents can handle feelings of guilt by accepting the situation, understanding they made the best decision possible, and focusing on the positive aspects of their new life.

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