Equilibrium of Forces: Definition, Types and Principles

Equilibrium of Forces Definition, Types and Principles

You feel forces every day, the seat pushing up on you, your fingers pressing phone buttons, even gravity pulling you down. But have you ever wondered what happens when forces balance each other perfectly? That’s called equilibrium, and it’s a key idea in physics and engineering.

In this article, we’ll break down everything you need to know about the equilibrium of forces; you’ll see real-world examples that show how objects and structures remain stable when forces are in equilibrium.

We’ll also cover handy principles like Newton’s laws that help analyze complicated force systems. Equilibrium is happening all around you, and understanding it unlocks a deeper grasp of how forces shape our physical world. With a solid sense of the basics, you’ll look at your surroundings in a new way.

Overview of Equilibrium in Physics

Equilibrium means balance. In physics, it refers to the state in which the forces acting on a body are balanced so its motion remains unchanged. Depending on the characteristics, equilibrium can be categorized into the following three types: Stable or Static, Unstable or Dynamic, and neutral equilibrium.

The conditions for equilibrium are the sum of forces in any direction = 0 and the sum of torques = 0. This means all forces and any turning effects must balance for equilibrium. If not, the object will accelerate in the direction of the unbalanced force!

Equilibrium allows structures to remain stable and objects to move steadily. Without it, nothing in the universe would remain still or travel smoothly.

What Is the Equilibrium of Forces? Defining a Key Physics Concept

Equilibrium of forces refers to the state when the forces acting on a body are balanced. In this state, the net force on the body is zero, and the body remains at rest or continues with constant velocity. Forces are said to be in equilibrium when the vector sum of all forces acting on an object is zero. This means that the forces cancel each other out, resulting in no net force on the object. Equilibrium allows objects to remain still or move at a constant speed.

Forces acting on a body can be classified into two types:

The principle of equilibrium of forces states that for the equilibrium of a body, the vector sum of all the forces acting on the body must be zero. The forces acting on the body can be represented by a force polygon. If the force polygon closes, the body will be in equilibrium. Otherwise, the body will accelerate in the direction of the resultant force.

For example, a book lying on a table experiences the force of gravity acting downwards and an equal and opposite reaction force from the table acting upwards. These two forces balance each other, keeping the book in equilibrium.

The conditions for equilibrium provide a simple framework to analyze complex force systems and are fundamental to many areas of physics and engineering. Mastering this key concept will provide a solid foundation for understanding forces and motion.

Types of Equilibrium of Forces

There are three main types of equilibrium of forces:

Stable equilibrium:

A body is said to be in stable equilibrium if, when displaced from its equilibrium position, it experiences forces that tend to restore it to its original position. For example, a ball is placed in a bowl. It remains at rest in the center but returns to the center even after displacement.

Unstable equilibrium:

A body is said to be in unstable equilibrium if, when displaced from its equilibrium position, it experiences forces that tend to move it farther away from its original position. For example, a ball on a dome top remains at rest at the top but falls down even after a slight disturbance.

Neutral equilibrium:

A body is said to be in neutral equilibrium if, when displaced from its equilibrium position, it experiences no restoring force. For example, a ball on a horizontal surface. It remains at rest but moves to a new position after displacement.

In short, the types depend on whether a body returns to its position after disturbance or not. The principles governing equilibrium are: the vector sum of all forces and torques acting on a body should be zero.

What is the Formula for Equilibrium of Forces?

To achieve equilibrium of forces, the vector sum of all forces acting on an object must be zero. This means that the forces are balanced, and the object is at rest or moving at a constant velocity.

The formula to calculate the equilibrium of forces is Fx=0, Fy=0, and Fz=0.

When the forces are balanced, the body remains stationary or moves with a constant velocity. This is known as the equilibrium condition.

How to Find the Equilibrium of Two Forces?

To calculate the equilibrium of two forces:

  1. Identify the two forces acting on the object. Label them as Force 1 and Force 2.
  2. Determine the magnitude (size) of each force, measured in Newtons (N). You can calculate the magnitude if you know the mass of the object and its acceleration.
  3. Find the direction of each force. Use degrees to measure the angle clockwise from the east.
  4. Draw a diagram showing the forces acting on the object. The forces should have arrows pointing in the direction of the force.
  5. Use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the x and y components of each force. The x-direction is east-west, and the y-direction is north-south.
  6. Add up the x components of the forces. If the sum equals 0 N, the forces are in equilibrium. Repeat for the y components.
  7. If the sums of the x and y components both equal 0 N, the two forces acting on the object are in a state of equilibrium. The object will not accelerate in any direction.

Principles of Equilibrium of Forces

The principles of equilibrium of forces state that for a rigid body to be in a state of equilibrium, the following must be satisfied:

  1. The vector sum of all forces acting on the body equals zero. This means that the resultant force on the body is zero.
  2. The sum of moments of all forces about any axis equals zero. This indicates that the resultant moment about any axis is zero.
  3. Each force acting on the body has an equal and opposite reaction force. This shows that all internal forces are balanced.

Satisfying these principles ensures that the forces acting on a rigid body are balanced and the body remains at rest or continues with a constant velocity. If not satisfied, the body will accelerate in the direction of the resultant force.

Real-World Examples of Equilibrium of Forces

When you hold an object stationary, the forces acting on it are balanced. This is known as the equilibrium of forces. Here are 7 examples from everyday life:

Equilibrium of Concurrent Forces

The equilibrium of concurrent forces refers to a state where multiple forces acting on an object at a common point balance each other out. This means that the resultant force acting on the object is zero. For equilibrium to be attained, the vector sum of all forces acting on the object in any direction must be zero.

In other words, the effects of the forces cancel each other out. The principles required to determine whether an object is in equilibrium under the action of concurrent forces are:

  1. The vector sum of all forces in the x-direction must be zero.
  2. The vector sum of all forces in the y-direction must be zero.
  3. The sum of the moments of all forces about any point must be zero.

If the above three conditions are satisfied, then the object is said to be in equilibrium under the concurrent force system. The object will remain stationary or move with a constant velocity.

How Do We Know When Force is Exerted?

How do you know when forces are at work? There are a few telltale signs that will clue you in.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions about the equilibrium of forces? Here are some of the most common ones:

What’s the difference between coplanar and concurrent equilibrium?

Coplanar equilibrium occurs when all forces act on a single plane, while concurrent equilibrium happens when forces intersect at a common point.

What is the equilibrium rule in Physics?

For an object to be in equilibrium, the vector sum of all forces acting on the object must be zero. This means the forces are balanced.

Which method is the best to calculate the equilibrium of forces?

The graphical method using force diagrams is often the simplest. Identify all forces acting on an object, represent them as vectors, and ensure the vector sum is zero. For complex systems, the component method using x and y components may be needed.

What is the formula for the equilibrium of forces?

The formula is: F1 + F2 + F3 = 0. This means the sum of all forces acting on an object is zero.

How do I calculate equilibrium?

You need to calculate the forces acting on an object, break them into x and y components, and set each sum equal to zero. Then, calculate the torques from each force about a pivot point and set their sum to zero. If all three conditions are met, the object is in equilibrium.

What is the center of gravity?

An object’s center of gravity is the point where its mass is concentrated, and all forces are considered to act. For equilibrium, the center of gravity must lie within the base of support.

What are some examples of equilibrium?

Some examples are a book at rest on a table, a balanced seesaw, a balanced mobile, and a person standing still. In each case, the forces on the object cancel each other out, resulting in equilibrium.

What is the symbol for equilibrium?

Equilibrium is denoted in a chemical equation by the ⇌ symbol.

What is the study of forces in equilibrium called?

Statics is the branch of mechanics concerned with the analysis of loads on physical systems in static equilibrium.

What is the force equilibrium theory?

Objects at rest stay at rest, and objects in motion stay in motion at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. Equilibrium exists when the forces acting on an object are balanced.

How many forces are required for equilibrium?

At least two forces are needed to balance each other. More forces can act on the object as long as they satisfy the equilibrium conditions.

Hope this helps provide some clarification on the basics of equilibrium and addresses some of the most common questions.


Equilibrium of forces is all about balance. Whether it’s keeping that teeter-totter level or holding a heavy box without dropping it, equal and opposite forces are at play to maintain equilibrium. Understanding the types of equilibrium and the principles behind stable, unstable, and neutral scenarios gives you insight into how objects interact. Use this knowledge in your own life to build sturdier structures and grasp why certain systems eventually collapse.

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