15 Functions of NAFDAC in Nigeria

15 Functions of NAFDAC in Nigeria

The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control is a big deal when it comes to regulating and controlling food, drugs, cosmetics, chemicals, detergents, medical devices, and more in Nigeria. But do you know exactly what they do? Their functions go way beyond just approving and regulating products; they conduct research, give certifications, enforce standards, and work to safeguard public health.

In this article, we’ll break down the 15 functions carried out by NAFDAC. You’ll get the inside scoop on how this agency helps protect consumers like you and ensures that products meet quality and safety standards.

Overview of NAFDAC


NAFDAC, the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control, is responsible for regulating and controlling the manufacture, importation, exportation, advertisement, sale, and use of food, drugs, cosmetics, medical devices, chemicals, and packaged water in Nigeria. Their mission is to safeguard public health by ensuring that only the right quality foods, drugs, and other regulated products are manufactured, imported, exported, advertised, sold, and used in Nigeria.

NAFDAC carries out this mission through product registration, inspection of manufacturing and importation premises, sample collection for analysis, investigation of complaints, issuance of alerts and recalls, destruction of substandard regulated products, and prosecution of offenders. They also undertake intensive public enlightenment campaigns to educate the public on the dangers of counterfeit and substandard products.

The NAFDAC’s organization consists of the Director General’s Office and twenty (20) Directorates executing the functions of the Agency. The Agency also has six (6) Zonal Offices as well as FCT and Lagos State Office, all headed by Directors.

NAFDAC’s scope of responsibility is enormous. However, by strict enforcement of its mandate, NAFDAC strives to rid Nigeria of substandard and counterfeit products that could endanger public health. Their vision is to safeguard public health by ensuring that only the right quality foods, drugs, and other regulated products are manufactured, imported, exported, advertised, sold, and used in Nigeria. By fulfilling this vision, NAFDAC aims to rank among the best regulatory agencies in the world.

History of NAFDAC

The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) was established in January 1993 to regulate and control the manufacture, importation, exportation, distribution, advertisement, sale, and use of food, drugs, cosmetics, medical devices, bottled water, and chemicals.

NAFDAC was established by Decree No. 15 of 1993 as amended by Decree No. 19 of 1999 and is now the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control Act Cap N1 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria (LFN) 2004. Prior to the establishment of NAFDAC, there were concerns over the increase in the importation and distribution of substandard regulated products in Nigeria.

NAFDAC was then established to ensure that only the right quality food, drugs, and other regulated products are manufactured, imported, exported, distributed, advertised, sold, and used in Nigeria.

Over the years, NAFDAC has recorded tremendous achievements in the discharge of its statutory responsibilities. The Agency has improved its regulatory activities through increased surveillance and monitoring of regulated products, as well as by upgrading its laboratories across the country. This has led to a drastic reduction in the incidents of substandard and counterfeit regulated products in Nigeria, thus promoting and protecting public health in the country.

Major Functions of NAFDAC

NAFDAC, which stands for National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control, is responsible for regulating and controlling the manufacture, importation, exportation, advertisement, distribution, sale, and use of food, drugs, cosmetics, medical devices, chemicals, and packaged water in Nigeria.

As the agency in charge of safeguarding public health, NAFDAC carries out 15 major functions to ensure the safety, quality, and effectiveness of regulated products. According to the NAFDAC website, some of the key responsibilities include the following:

  1. Regulate and control the importation, exportation, manufacture, advertisement, distribution, sale, and use of food, drugs, cosmetics, medical devices, bottled water, Chemicals, and detergents (Regulated Products)
  2. Conduct appropriate tests and ensure compliance with standard specifications designated and approved by the Council for effective control of the quality of regulated products and their raw materials, as well as their production processes in factories and other establishments
  3. Undertake inspection of imported regulated products and establish relevant quality assurance systems, including certification of the production sites
  4. Undertake appropriate investigation into the production premises and raw materials for regulated products and establish relevant quality assurance systems, including certification of the production sites and of the regulated products
  5. Compile standard specifications, regulations, and guidelines for the production, importation, exportation, sales, distribution, and registration of regulated products
  6. Control the exportation and issue quality certification of products intended for export
  7. Undertake the registration of foods, drugs, cosmetics, medical devices, bottled water, Chemicals, and detergents
  8. Establish and maintain relevant laboratories or other institutions in strategic areas of Nigeria as may be necessary for the performance of their functions
  9. Take measures to ensure that the use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances is limited to only medical and scientific purposes
  10. Pronounce on the quality and safety of Products after appropriate analysis
  11. Compile and publish relevant data resulting from the performance of the functions of the Agency or from other sources
  12. Grant authorization for the import and export of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances as well as other controlled substances;
  13. Collaborate with the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) in the bid to eradicate drug abuse in Nigeria
  14. Issue guidelines, grant approvals, and monitor the advertisement of food, drugs, cosmetics, medical devices, bottled water, Chemicals, and detergents
  15. Advice Governments, the private sector, and other interested bodies regarding the quality, safety, and regulatory provisions on regulated products

How to Contact NAFDAC

You can contact NAFDAC in several ways:


NAFDAC Corporate Headquarters, Plot 2032, Olusegun, Obasanjo Way, Zone 7, Wuse, Abuja, Nigeria

Lagos Operation Office: Plot 1, Industrial Estate, Lagos- Oshodi Apapa Express Way, Isolo, Lagos, Nigeria

For Enquiries:



For Complaints:




NAFDAC aims to respond to all inquiries, questions, and complaints within 2-5 business days. Don’t hesitate to reach out to them if you have any concerns regarding the safety and quality of products under their purview.


You know how important it is to make sure our food and drugs are safe. NAFDAC has a big responsibility to handle that for Nigeria. They inspect companies, set standards, run tests in labs, register products, enforce laws, educate the public, and much more. There’s a whole team working hard every day to protect our health and safety. We don’t want to take them for granted. When you see that NAFDAC registration number on a product label, remember the vital role it plays. We’re lucky to have them watching out for us. With so many critical functions, NAFDAC helps Nigeria stay healthy and strong.

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