What is the National Bird of Nigeria?

Have you ever wondered what bird represents the beautiful nation of Nigeria? Though Nigeria boasts over 900 species of birds within its borders, one is elevated above the rest as a symbol of the country. In this article, we’ll dive into the characteristics and significance of the national bird of Nigeria. You’ll discover how this powerful creature came to be an iconic part of the country’s identity and culture.

What is the National Bird of Nigeria?

Black Crowned Crane

The national bird of Nigeria is the Black Crowned Crane. This majestic bird is native to Africa and is mostly found in the grasslands and wetlands of sub-Saharan Africa. In Nigeria, you can spot these cranes in places like Yankari Game Reserve or the savanna grasslands. These cranes inhabit open wetlands, marshes, grasslands, and savannas. They feed on insects, small mammals, and plants.

With its distinctive black crown and gold nape, the Black Crowned Crane is a beauty to behold. It has a slate-grey plumage, white cheeks, and a red gular sack at the base of its lower bill that inflates during courtship displays. These cranes are generally non-migratory but may undertake local seasonal movements.

Characteristics of the Black-Crowned Crane

The national bird of Nigeria, the Black Crowned Crane, is a striking bird with many unique characteristics.

Distinctive Crown

As the name suggests, the Black Crowned Crane has a patch of black feathers on the top of its head that resembles a crown. These black feathers stand up tall when the crane is alert or calling out.

Grey Plumage

The body plumage of the Black Crowned Crane is predominantly grey, with some black on the wings and white patches under the chin and throat. The grey feathers provide camouflage in the grasslands and wetlands the crane inhabits.

Long Legs

The Black Crowned Crane has long, spindly legs that allow it to wade through shallow waters in search of food. The legs are black in color, as are the crane’s thick, sturdy toes.

Loud Call

One of the most distinctive characteristics of the Black Crowned Crane is its loud, trumpeting call. The cranes are known for their spectacular mating dances, where they leap into the air with wings spread, calling loudly. The call is used during courtship displays and to establish territory. It can be heard from up to a mile away!

Omnivorous Diet

The Black Crowned Crane is omnivorous, feeding on plants, small fish, frogs, insects, and other invertebrates. Its long neck allows it to forage in grasslands and shallow waters.


Black Crowned Cranes mate for life and share parenting duties, including incubating eggs and raising chicks. Breeding pairs are highly territorial and put on elaborate displays and dances during mating season.


Outside of the breeding season, Black Crowned Cranes gather in large flocks, sometimes in groups of over 200 individuals. The cranes roost, feed, and socialize together in these groups.

Territorial Displays

During mating season, pairs of Black Crowned Cranes perform an intricate territorial display involving loud calling, feather puffing, and dancing with outstretched wings. These displays establish breeding territories and attract mates.

When the Black Crowned Crane Became Nigeria’s National Bird

Nigeria’s officially recognized national bird is the endangered black-crowned crane, scientifically known as “Balearica pavonina.” This bird, which is closely related to the grey-crowned crane, lives in Africa’s dry savannah south of the Sahara desert. This species is also known as the Sudan crowned crane, West African crowned crane, and the dark crowned crane. The proposition for the black crowned crane status as a national bird was made in 1985.

The Significance and Symbolism of the Black Crowned Crane

The Black Crowned Crane is Nigeria’s national bird, and it represents many important aspects of Nigerian culture and values.

Grace and Beauty

With its black and white plumage and golden crown, the crane is a striking and elegant bird. It symbolizes grace, beauty, and refinement.


The crane can live up to 30-40 years, representing longevity, endurance, and continuity. This reflects the long history and traditions of Nigeria.

Family bonds

Cranes mate for life and share parenting duties, representing strong family ties and community bonds within Nigerian society.


The crane’s distinctive golden crown signifies status, pride in one’s heritage, and the dignity of the Nigerian people.


The crane is a cautious bird and serves as a sentinel in the wetlands. It symbolizes vigilance, watchfulness, and the determination of Nigerians to protect their nation.


The crane inhabits a range of wetland environments, demonstrating adaptability. This represents the ability of Nigerians to adapt to changes while maintaining their cultural identity.


The crane has spiritual significance in some Nigerian cultures. Its graceful dancing displays during the mating season are associated with mysticism, joyfulness, and celebration.

Nigeria chose the Black Crowned Crane as its national bird because of its beauty and significance in African culture. The Black Crowned Crane encompasses many of the values and attributes that Nigeria holds dear. No wonder it was chosen as the nation’s avian emblem. Representing cultural ideals as profound as family, longevity, and national pride, this stately bird is a perfect symbol for Nigeria.

Facts About the Black Crowned Crane

The Black Crowned Crane is Nigeria’s national bird. Here are nine interesting facts about this majestic bird:

It has a distinctive appearance

With black plumage, a white wing patch, and a bright red crown, the Black Crowned Crane is hard to miss. Its red crown is made of stiff feathers that stand up when the bird gets excited or is trying to impress a mate.

It is a large bird

Standing up to 1.5 meters tall, the Black Crowned Crane is one of the tallest flying birds in the world. Its large size and loud, honking call make it an impressive sight.

It eats a variety of foods

The Black Crowned Crane is omnivorous, feeding on insects, small vertebrates like frogs and lizards, plants, and grains. It uses its long legs to wade into shallow water in search of food.

It engages in elaborate mating displays

Males and females perform an intricate mating dance, bowing, leaping, and spreading their wings. Their red crown feathers stand fully erect during these displays to attract a mate.

It breeds during the rainy season

The Black Crowned Crane builds large nests on the ground and lays 2-3 eggs. Chicks hatch during the peak of the rainy season when food is most plentiful. Both parents care for the chicks for up to 10 months.

They are Social Birds

Black Crowned Cranes gather in groups and families. They form life-long pair bonds and work together to build nests, incubate eggs, and raise their young. The cranes perform intricate dances and call to strengthen their bond and proclaim their territory.

It is a symbol of beauty and longevity

The Black Crowned Crane is revered in Nigeria as a symbol of beauty, grace, and longevity. Its impressive size and vibrant plumage have made it an important part of Nigerian culture.

It can live 30-40 years in captivity.

With proper care, the Black Crowned Crane can live up to 4 decades. However, in the wild, its lifespan is usually only 20-30 years due to threats from predators and a lack of reliable food sources. Captive cranes also receive regular veterinary care and a steady diet to support their longevity.

Its population is under threat

Due to habitat loss and illegal wildlife trade, the Black Crowned Crane is classified as an endangered species. Conservation efforts are underway to protect this bird and its disappearing grassland habitat.

What is the National Animal of Nigeria?

The national animal of Nigeria is the Eagle. The Eagle was adopted as Nigeria’s national animal because of its strength, pride, and nobility. The Eagle is viewed as a powerful predator that rules the skies. Its ability to soar high up in the sky symbolizes Nigeria’s aspirations for greatness and excellence.

The Eagle also represents vision, freedom, and a keen eye for opportunities. Its courage and determination are qualities that Nigeria hopes its citizens will emulate. The Eagle’s nest-building skills demonstrate hard work, resourcefulness, and the ability to overcome life’s challenges.

In addition, the Eagle is a long-lived bird, so it signifies the longevity, stability, and continuity of the Nigerian nation. The Eagle appears on Nigeria’s official seal, currency, and coat of arms as a symbol of the nation’s heritage, pride, and future progress. Overall, the Eagle is a source of inspiration that reflects the spirit of Nigeria.


The black crowned crane is Nigeria’s national bird. This elegant bird is found throughout sub-Saharan Africa, including in Nigeria’s savannas and wetlands. The black crowned crane was selected as Nigeria’s national bird because of its beauty and elegance. Its grey and white plumage is a source of pride for Nigerians.

Learning about different countries’ national symbols, like birds, flowers, and animals, is a fun way to gain insight into what makes each nation unique. The next time you hear someone mention Nigeria’s national bird, you’ll be able to proudly share your new knowledge about the magnificent black crowned cranes.

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